Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

BP Oil Spill – Tony Hayward’s Testimony Part 2 (2010-8)

Posted on June 23, 2010 by bp complaints

On 20 April 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, operated by BP. Eleven people were killed in the blast and oil began to leak from the ocean floor at a rate variously estimated to be between 5000 and 100000 barrels per day. Hayward, and BP in general, initially downplayed the spill, stating on 17 May 2010 that the environmental impact of the Gulf spill would likely be “very very modest” and calling the spill “relatively tiny” in comparison with the size of the ocean. By 27 May, Hayward had apparently changed his assessment, calling the spill an “environmental catastrophe” in an interview with CNN. Hayward has stated that his job might be at risk as a result of the spill, saying “we made a few little mistakes early on.” Hayward received criticism for various statements he has made during the spill, including telling a camera man to “get out of there” during a photo-op on the shores of Louisiana. On 30 May, Hayward told a reporter “we’re sorry for the massive disruption it’s caused to their lives. There’s no one who wants this thing over more than I do, I’d like my life back.” Hayward was widely criticized for the comment and United States Representative Charlie Melancon (D-La.) called on Hayward to resign in the wake of this comment. He later apologized for the comment on BP America’s Facebook Page. On 31 May, Hayward disputed claims of huge underwater plumes of oil suspended in the Gulf, as had been reported by scientists from three universities
Video Rating: 5 / 5

0 to “BP Oil Spill – Tony Hayward’s Testimony Part 2 (2010-8)”

  1. andyrooney11 says:


    Fuck the pelicans. PEOPLE are suffering.

  2. andyrooney11 says:


    Congress sent Tony Hayward a detailed memo a week in advance with a list of questions that they were going to ask him…clearly he didn’t care enough to study up on the issues before attending. Also, he brought a technical expert with him but when he was asked to allow that expert to speak and respond to certain questions he refused to allow it. I won’t say what I think of him…people can take these facts and make their own judgments about the man and the company that he runs.

  3. pennylaneable says:

    Can someone please blow Tony Hayward away, Pelican killer cunt.

  4. glenanimals says:

    no no this is what hapens when a company gets to Big the CEO
    cant look into ever thing to meny wells how can one CEO
    look at ever thing that going on in the company noway
    this is the real reason.the CEO said 100’s of wells each year !
    can you see him flying to each oil platform to see how thing are doing

  5. deepblue1776 says:

    Why did the congress keep asking Mr. Hayward something he clearly has no clues. I’m quite sure that he would be more than happy to answer a few questions about yacht racing.

  6. Bellerophon2200 says:

    nigger…u just went full retard.

  7. Squarehead29 says:

    Hayward doesn’t know the answers to these questions because BP is a massive company. Congress knows this and they are just showboating to the US population to make themselves look good. At the end of the day BP is at fault for trying to cut corners and the US federal government are at fault as the allowed the rigs to be used knowing FULL well the rig had safety flaws.

  8. metalliciceage says:

    I am sure Gov. Engineers warned as well. The fact is the buck lies in both. They should call it B.P.GOV.

  9. chinable says:

    @danmcc22 what would you do? it’s been 60 days since the spill began barfing the shit of the earth into the ocean (earthshit with 40% methane content). would you rather not reprimand hayward and make him feel like a pelican?

  10. danmcc22 says:

    The mud slinging continues by ignorant fools, all trying to make political browny points. That will help a whole bunch. These idiots makes me sick!

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