Posted on
November 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
BP gulf spill has not dimmed Tony Hayward's ambition The Guardian But I knew I wanted to remain in the world of oil and gas." After the Deepwater disaster it was not certain how the City would view Hayward and his request for at least £1bn of financial backing — even when he teamed up with a high-achieving member of …
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Tags: ambitiondimmedGuardianGulfHayward'sspillTony
Posted on
September 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
The Titanic disaster meant a life of shame for its CEO. Not so BP's Tony Hayward The Guardian After an explosion wrecked the Deepwater Horizon rig last year, killing 11 workers, nearly 5m barrels of oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico over the following three months. It was the biggest marine oil spill in history – an environmental catastrophe …
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Tags: 'Shame'Titanic'BP'sCEO.disasterGuardianHaywardLifemeantTony
Posted on
June 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon case The Guardian Photograph: Larry Downing/Reuters Tony Hayward, the former boss of BP, is likely to be summoned by US lawyers to give further evidence to a Texas court about last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The case, led by investors in … Newspaper Briefing, including Tony Hayward could face Texas court over …Proactive Investors UK He May Have a .1B IPO, but Tony Hayward's Comeback Won't LastBNET (blog) Hayward may be summond to Texas courtUpstream Online
all 5 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: casecouldcourtDeepwaterfaceGuardianHaywardHorizonoverTexasTony
Posted on
June 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Newspaper Briefing, including Tony Hayward could face Texas court over … Proactive Investors UK Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon case: Tony Hayward, the former Boss of BP, is likely to be summoned by US lawyers to give further evidence to a Texas court about last years Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. … Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon caseThe Guardian He May Have a .1B IPO, but Tony Hayward's Comeback Won't LastBNET (blog) Hayward may be summond to Texas courtUpstream Online
all 5 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: briefingcouldcourtfaceHaywardIncludinginvestorsnewspaperoverProactiveTexasTony
Posted on
March 30, 2011 by
bp complaints |
BP Gulf oil spill: Former boss Tony Hayward 'may be charged with manslaughter' Daily Mail Former BP chief executive Tony Hayward could face manslaughter charges in the US over his role in the Gulf oil spill. The Briton may be quizzed by investigators on whether decisions he made cut corners on safety and led to the disaster … Manslaughter, other charges considered in gulf oil spill probeWashington Post BP refuses to put figure on how much oil was leaked in Gulf oil disasterThe Upshot (blog) BP worker loses laptop holding data for 13K Gulf oil spill claimantsUSA Today Newstrack India –PR Web (press release) –Salon all 1,232 news articles »
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Tags: 'maybossChargedDailyFormerGulfHaywardMailManslaughterspillTony
Posted on
November 15, 2010 by
bp complaints |
Tony Hayward admits BP was 'not prepared' for Gulf oil spill: Links Associated Press archiveFormer BP CEO Tony Hayward, standing in the BP command center, updates reporters on efforts to clean up the catastrophic oil spill … Gulf Recovery UpdateKLFY Officials hold Gulf oil spill restoration talksToday’s THV
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Tags: 'notadmitsGulfHaywardlinksNOLA.compreparedspillTony
Posted on
November 10, 2010 by
bp complaints
 New York Daily News |
Tony Hayward: I Wish I Were a Better Actor Slate Magazine (blog) The Guardian reports that Hayward told the BBC he might "have done better" after the Gulf oil spill if he'd had a degree in acting "rather than a degree in … BP 'Unprepared' for Gulf Oil Spill Admits Former CEO HaywardAltTransport Tony Hayward, the ex-BP CEO, rips media, defends decision to go yachting …New York Daily News Former BP CEO Tony Hayward has no regretsPolitico (blog) AOL News –DailyFinance –Raw Story all 32 news articles »
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Tags: ActorBetterblogHaywardMagazineSlateTonywe'reWish
Posted on
November 10, 2010 by
bp complaints
 New York Daily News |
Tony Hayward, the ex-BP CEO, rips media, defends decision to go yachting … New York Daily News Former BP CEO Tony Hayward defended his decision to go yachting during the Gulf oil spill (below). The man at the helm of BP during the worst … Former BP CEO Tony Hayward has no regretsPolitico (blog) Tony Hayward Admits BP Unprepared for SpillAOL News Hayward Says BP Was Not Prepared for Gulf Oil DisasterDailyFinance Raw Story –The Sun –Press TV all 31 news articles »
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Tags: DailydecisiondefendsexBPHaywardMediaNewsripsTonyyachtingYork
Posted on
September 17, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Tony Hayward grilled by British MPs The Voice of Russia They were testifying before the committee that had investigated the implications of the Gulf oil disaster on deepwater drilling on the 15th. … BP completes relief well in GulfCNN 6000 birds found dead across five US states since gulf oil spillHerald Sun Hayward Defends BP's Record In U.K. TestimonyNPR Lawrence Journal World –Newswise (press release) –Sarasota Herald-Tribune all 4,004 news articles »
gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: BritishgrilledHaywardRussiaTonyVoice
Posted on
September 15, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
BP's Tony Hayward to testify to British lawmakers on Gulf spill USA Today Outgoing BP CEO Tony Hayward is set to give evidence Wednesday to a British parliamentary committee studying the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and the future of … BP's Hayward to testify to UK lawmakers on spillThe Associated Press BP chief Tony Hayward to face MPs on Gulf oil spillBBC News Regret, apology not part of BP's oil spill reportTri Parish Times Boston Globe (blog) –The Epoch Times –MarketWatch (press release) all 1,525 news articles »
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Tags: BP'sBritishGulfHaywardLawmakersspilltestifyTodayTony