Posted on
November 30, 2011 by
bp complaints
Oil spill cleanup to enter 'patrol and maintenance," use smaller crews Mississippi Press (blog) About 3.5 million pounds of oiled material has been removed from the barrier islands since the April 20, 2010, Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The government has estimated that 4.9 million barrels of oil gushed into the Gulf of …
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Tags: blogcleanupCrewsEnterMaintenanceMississippiPatrolpresssmallerspill
Posted on
November 24, 2011 by
bp complaints
Rena: Oil clean-up chemical worries Greenpeace New Zealand Herald Authorities eventually scrapped the operation after it proved ineffective against oil floating on water. Its use sparked outrage among environmental groups, some scientists and veterans of the gulf spill. One United States resident describing it as a …
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Tags: ChemicalcleanupGreenpeaceHeraldRenaworriesZealand
Posted on
November 22, 2011 by
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 Globe and Mail |
Big Oil's Cleanup Third Quarter Motley Fool This recent spill is just one the environmental problems plaguing the second largest oil company in the US The dangers of deepwater drilling aren't new. BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster showed the world just how horrifying things can get when something … Chevron says it will clean up Brazil spillGlobalPost (blog) Chevron deep water plans trip on Brazil oil spillMarketWatch Why I'm Buying Chevron And Transocean Because Of The Brazilian SpillForbes Insurance Journal –Mother Jones all 1,166 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: cleanupFoolMotleyOil'squarterthird
Posted on
November 10, 2011 by
bp complaints
 ThinkProgress |
Scientists: Gulf oil cleanup 'inadequate' Sarasota Herald-Tribune The panel, made up of more than a dozen scientists from varying fields, said the BP disaster was so large and unprecedented – and the Gulf of Mexico so complex and economically valuable – that tallying up individual losses and charging BP for their … US to Open New Areas to Offshore DrillingNew York Times We Have "Learned Nothing" from BP Disaster: Obama Opens More of Arctic to …ThinkProgress Obama cautiously offers more areas for offshore drilling in Alaska and Gulf of …Washington Post (blog) WAMU all 444 news articles »
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Tags: 'inadequate'cleanupGulfHeraldTribuneSarasotaScientists
Posted on
November 10, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Researchers looking at health effects of BP spill on cleanup workers WWL NEW ORLEANS — If you helped with the BP oil spill clean-up efforts or know someone who did, scientists want to hear from you. A study is underway looking at the long-term health effects of last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill on clean-up workers. … Gulf Oil–spill Workers Sought for StudyInsurance Journal Coast Guard OKs Winding Down BP Spill Oil spill cleanup winding downPensacola News Journal –Fox News all 607 news articles »
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Tags: cleanupEffectsHealthlookingResearchersspillWorkers
Posted on
November 10, 2011 by
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 The Guardian |
BP nears end of clean-up from Gulf oil disaster The Independent AP BP will no longer have to clean up oil on the Gulf Coast unless officials can prove it is from last year's Deepwater Horizon spill, according to a plan approved by the US Coast Guard. BP will now turn its attentions to restoring areas damaged by the … BP to end clean-up operations in Gulf oil spillThe Guardian Coast Guard OKs Winding Down BP Oil Spill CleanupFox News Oil spill: Coast Guard calls off cleanupPensacola News Journal TIME –Florida Independent –The Press Association all 568 news articles »
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Tags: cleanupdisasterGulfindependentnears
Posted on
November 09, 2011 by
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 Fox News |
Coast Guard OKs Winding Down BP Oil Spill Cleanup Fox News | AP AP In this July 31, 2010 file photo, a boat motors through oil sheen from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill off East Grand Terre Island, where the Gulf of Mexico meets Barataria Bay, on the Louisiana coast, at sunset. A year after one of the worst … BP ending Gulf oil spill cleanup, begins restorationChicago Sun-Times Oil–spill workers sought for studyBusinessWeek BP to end clean-up operations in Gulf oil spillThe Guardian
all 417 news articles »
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Tags: cleanupcoastdownGuardNewsspillWinding
Posted on
November 09, 2011 by
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 The Guardian |
BP ending Gulf oil spill cleanup, begins restoration Chicago Sun-Times He was referring to the Exxon-Valdez tanker spill in 1989 in Alaska and the 1979 Ixtoc oil rig spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He said the Coast Guard should have a plan to respond to problems that may arise. Despite the concerns, the Coast Guard said its … Follow From the WiresSalon
all 254 news articles »
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Tags: BeginsChicagocleanupendingGulfRestorationspillSunTimes
Posted on
November 09, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
BP to end clean-up operations in Gulf oil spill The Guardian The Obama Administration has been indicating for some time that the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, which began on 20 April 2010 with an explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that killed 11 workers, was moving into a second phase. …
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gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: cleanupGuardianGulfOperationsspill
Posted on
November 09, 2011 by
bp complaints |
AP: BP oil cleanup ending, restoration beginning The Associated Press He was referring to the Exxon-Valdez tanker spill in 1989 in Alaska and the 1979 Ixtoc oil rig spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He said the Coast Guard should have a plan to respond to problems that may arise. Despite the concerns, the Coast Guard said its … AP: BP oil cleanup ending, restoration AP: BP oil cleanup ending, restoration beginningAtlanta Journal Constitution AP: BP oil cleanup ending, restoration beginningGettysburg Times Salon all 230 news articles »
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Tags: AssociatedbeginningcleanupendingpressRestoration