Posted on
July 19, 2011 by
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Deepwater Horizon oil stayed beneath the waves Ars Technica Researchers are still working to understand the dynamics of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and its impact on the Gulf of Mexico. A paper published this week in the Proceedings of the National … Scientists analyze and explain the chemical makeup of Gulf Where did the Gulf's spilt oil and gas go?New Scientist
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Tags: BeneathDeepwaterHorizonstayedTechnicaWaves
Posted on
October 20, 2010 by
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Gulf Oil Spill Crude Remains Beneath The Sand 6 Months Later (VIDEO) Huffington Post CNN revisits Florida shores six months after the Gulf oil spill began to discover that crude from BP's offshore well remains buried beneath the sand. …
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Tags: BeneathcrudeGulfHuffingtonlatermonthsPostremainsSandspillVideo
Posted on
October 18, 2010 by
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What lurks beneath: Under the Gulf's sugary sand, lies oil 10 Connects What's certain is realizing the full impact of this oil spill will take far longer than the three months it took to cap the leaking well. In Florida's Panhandle, hotels still suffer oil spill's effectsThe Republic Sand Shark scours Panhandle beaches for tar balls , but is it too good? `San Jose Mercury News What we learned, No. 2: Oil and tourism don't mixOrlando Sentinel
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Tags: BeneathConnectsGulf'sLieslurksSandsugaryunder
Posted on
August 09, 2010 by
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 Plain Dealer |
In the Gulf, scientific questions still lurk beneath the surface CNN (blog) Scientists say little is known about the long-term environmental impacts the Gulf oil spill. When Ed Overton looks at the remains of what's happened to the … In the Gulf, scientific questions still lurk beneath the surfaceCNN International
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Tags: BeneathblogGulflurkQuestionsscientificstillSurface
Posted on
August 05, 2010 by
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Gulf Oil Spill Meets Dead Zone: What Lies Beneath Huffington Post (blog) In this oil spill aftermath, we can still clearly witness, "the evidence of things not seen" below our ravaged Gulf waters. Will we join with BP in denying … Gulf Dead Zone shows potential long-term impact of BP disasterFacing South (blog)
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Tags: BeneathblogDeadGulfHuffingtonLiesMeetsPostspillZone
Posted on
May 16, 2010 by
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Gulf oil spill: real disaster might be lurking beneath the surface
From the first moments that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig sank last month, it has been apparent that the blooming Gulf oil spill has been an oil disaster unlike any other. But the full truth of that statement is perhaps only now beginning to become apparent.
Read more on The Christian Science Monitor via Yahoo! News
Tags: BeneathdisasterGulflurkingMightREALspillSurface
Posted on
May 16, 2010 by
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 Reuters |
Gulf oil spill: real disaster might be lurking beneath the surface Christian Science Monitor That is clearly not what has happened in the Gulf, where shorelines have, so far, emerged relatively unscathed. The nature of the oil in the Gulf oil spill … Updates and the latest pictures from the Gulf oil Gulf oil spill could result in biggest environmental and maritime litigation … Gulf oil spill: Obama administration warns BP it's on the hook for all damages …Los Angeles Times (blog) Tulsa World –MSMDC News (blog) –Gulf Coast Newspapers all 9,723 news articles »
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Tags: BeneathChristiandisasterGulflurkingMightMonitorREALSciencespillSurface
Posted on
May 04, 2010 by
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Gulf Oil Disaster – Beneath the Waves Tucson Citizen The sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico is an economic disaster and may prove to be an ecological disaster. … Obama: Govt Committed To Preventing Economic Damage In GulfWall Street Journal Gulf Oil Spill Is Bad, but How Bad?New York Times Will BP's gulf oil spill raise gas prices even higher?USA Today Washington Post –Victoria Times Colonist –CultureMap all 7,431 news articles »
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