Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Whale Found Dead in Gulf

Posted on June 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Whale Found Dead in Gulf
The NOAA Ship Pisces found a dead sperm whale floating just miles south of the oil spill site at Deepwater Horizon Tuesday. It was not found in oil, but the cause of death is unknown.
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0 to “Whale Found Dead in Gulf”

  1. Alan M Dransfield says:

    Copy of my letter sent to my Member of Parliament (MP)

    Attn Mr Ben Bradshaw MP for Exeter

    Dear Mr Bradshaw

    I wish to alert my MP to obvious serious flaws in the BP day to day
    running of their Oil Projects. I recently learned that BP are NOT
    (repeat not) certified to the ISO 9000 QA/QC and the ISO 1400
    Environmental Standards. This is a quote from the BP website
    (Quality training and consultation, including preparation for ISO 9000
    It beggars belief that BP are operating multi billion dollar projects
    worldwide WITHOUT ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 and just for you information ,
    if you are not familiar with these standards they are:
    1. ISO 9000 series are for the Quality Assurance and Quaility Conrol
    for the design,construction and operational phases of projects.
    2.ISO 14000 series are for the Environmental protection of the design,
    construction and operatioal phases of projects .

    I am absolutlely shocked,stunned and amazed that BP have been allowed
    to operate in such a dangerous industry WITHOUT the accreditation of
    the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000.

    I urge my MP to alert the UK Government about such serious
    irregularities with BP Operations worldwide.Without a shadow of doubt,
    if the Deepwater Horizon had been operated in compliance to these ISO
    standards, the current catastrophe would have been avoided.

    As you are aware also the Chad Cameroon Pipeline which has been
    operating in a legal void for 7 years is also WITHOUT any ISO 9000 or
    ISO 14000 accreditation. Quite frankly Mr Bradshaw,it beggars belief
    that the two largest Oil Companies in the World, BP and Exxonmobil are
    allowed to operate in the absence of the ISO standards.

    If BP are operating their North Sea Oil Rigs in the absence of any ISO
    standards, it is MOST LIKELY a catastrophe similar to the Gulf of
    Mexicco could occur in British Waters.
    I seek the assurance of my Memeber of Parliament that ISO Standards
    are being applied on ALL British Oil Projects
    with thanks

    Alan M Dransfield

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