Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf Oil Spill: Rick Steiner Got BP Disaster Right From The Beginning, Warns … – Huffington Post (blog) 1

Posted on August 25, 2010 by bp complaints

Sydney Morning Herald

Gulf Oil Spill: Rick Steiner Got BP Disaster Right From The Beginning, Warns
Huffington Post (blog)
Similarly, for the Gulf as a whole, you can't take the oil out, but you can take some of the steps to heal it that were needed even before the spill.
How reporters mangle science on Gulf oilCNN
Shell Pushes To Drill In Arctic, Faces Spill-Response QuestionsWall Street Journal
Gulf oil spill jitters: a false fish kill alarmLos Angeles Times (blog)
Examiner.com –Christian Science Monitor –Carolinian (subscription)
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BP Oil Spill-Class Action Chaos- Attorney Rick Kuykendall 2

Posted on May 23, 2010 by bp complaints

The class action lawyer feeding frenzy that is occurring in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida is covered in part three of this special series from The Legal Broadcast Network. This is hardly the professions finest hour as groups of mass tort and environmental law firms battle to not only sign up clients, but maneuver to gain control over the litigation and the public relations battle as to the proper legal approach. It is an unseemly battle featuring some of the biggest names in mass torts and class action law and Attorney Rick Kuykendalls perspective is one of a 30 year veteran of these cases and as a Gulf coast resident and native.

BP Oil Spill- Attorney Rick Kuykendall-Part 2-What went wrong. 0

Posted on May 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Environmental lawyer, Rick Kuykendall of Fairhope, AL joins Legal Broadcast Network to discuss the BP Oil Spill disaster and the legal issues surrounding this environmental disaster. BP has huge legal and liability issues and Rick Kuykendall is one of the nations leading lawyers and is part of the Gulf Oil Disaster Recovery Group, a consortium of the nations leading environmental and liability attorneys. This two part discussion looks at how the BP Oil disaster occurred, what is happening right now on the clean up, as well as the political and legal issues surrounding the clean up as well. If you are a property owner, fisherman, lawyer or concerned citizen looking to learn more about the BP Oil spill, watch these two videos and go to Legal Broadcast Network each week for further updates and news.

BP Oil Spill-Legal Aspects- Lawyer Rick Kuykendall 2

Posted on May 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Part two of our series on the legal issues surrounding the BP Oil spill looks at the legal issues related to the BP Oil spill as to the claims of residents, businesses and fisherman in the Gulf region. The legal battle and types of claims for damages are just now being made clear and the economic loss is yet to be determined. However, it is useful for any lawyer or potential claimant in the oil spill litigation to get a fundamental understanding of what the legal issues are and how they might be approached going forward.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

BP Oil Spill, a special series with Attorney Frederick “Rick” Kuykendall – Legal Broadcast Network (blog) 0

Posted on May 07, 2010 by bp complaints

Legal Broadcast Network (blog)

BP Oil Spill, a special series with Attorney Frederick "Rick" Kuykendall
Legal Broadcast Network (blog)
The oil industry, like the financial industry, asked the citizens that populate the Gulf coast to trust them with our most valuable resource and they

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Rick Perry, Bill White weigh in on rig disaster – Bizjournals.com 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints


Rick Perry, Bill White weigh in on rig disaster
It didn't take long for the gulf oil disaster to get political in Texas. On May 3, Gov. Rick Perry mentioned occasional, unavoidable "acts of God" and then
Perry stands by 'act of God' remark about spillHouston Chronicle
Rick Perry warns against 'knee-jerk' reaction to gulf oil spillDallas Morning News
Oil, God, and the GovernorBeliefnet.com (blog)
Houston Press (blog) –Austin American-Statesman (blog) –Raw Story
all 384 news articles »

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Rick Perry warns against ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to gulf oil spill – Dallas Morning News 0

Posted on May 04, 2010 by bp complaints

Houston Chronicle

Rick Perry warns against 'knee-jerk' reaction to gulf oil spill
Dallas Morning News
warned Monday against a "knee-jerk" reaction to the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, saying it is too early to assign blame for the disaster.
Despite oil spill, Texas's Perry voices 'full confidence' in BPMiamiHerald.com
Rick Perry Blames God For Gulf Oil SpillHouston Press (blog)
Texas governor pans drilling safety regulations, suggests 'God' to blame for Raw Story

all 79 news articles »

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