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November 12, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Sustainable Plant |
Drowning in Oil: The BP Spill through a Sustainability Lens Sustainable Plant Consequently, the cementing process began, setting in motion the chain of events culminating in the explosion and the death of 11 crew members, and the ultimate spilling of millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. … From The Oil Disaster Frontlines; Victory Up North As The Battle Rages In The GulfNatural Resources Defense Council (blog) Gulf Coast has a long path to restoration, report showsHouston Business Journal
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Tags: DrowningLensPlantspillSustainabilitySustainablethrough
Posted on
April 19, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Gulf oil spill and Fukushima nuclear plant: A challenge to humans and technology Christian Science Monitor By the Monitor's Editorial Board / April 19, 2011 In just the past year, the world has had to contend with two major disasters in the energy sector. While the BP Gulf oil spill and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant crises differ in type, they both point … PICTURES: The Gulf Oil Disaster One Year LaterNational Journal Gulf oil spill redux: nine books on the BP disasterLos Angeles Times A look at Gulf oil disaster a year Atlanta Journal Constitution – –Huffington Post all 3,805 news articles »
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Tags: challenge'ChristianFukushimaGulfhumansMonitorNuclearPlantSciencespilltechnology
Posted on
October 11, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Hindu |
Hungary Takes Control of Alumina Plant, Detains CEO on Sludge Bloomberg An estimated 4.9 million barrels (27.5 million cubic feet) of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico over almost three months after BP's Deepwater … Hungary Toxic Sludge Catastrophe Reminiscent of BP Gulf Oil Spill DisasterThe Market Oracle Toxic sludge almost the size of Gulf Oil spillNewsChannel 9 WSYR Hungary: Toxic sludge nearly as big as Gulf spillThe Associated Press Channel 4 News –The Sun all 5,496 news articles »
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Tags: AluminaBloombergControlDetainsHungaryPlantSludgetakes