Rep. Taylor Offended by Oil Platform’s Foreign Connections 6
Rep. Gene Taylor (Miss.) says he is “personally offended” that the ill-fated oil platform Deepwater Horizon was built in Korea, registered in the Marshall Islands, and that the profits it generated went to a company in Switzerland, while Americans suffer the brunt of the pollution created by the platform’s failure. Rep. Taylor made the remarks during a Capitol Hill hearing by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on June 9, 2010.

NOAA offshore trajectory 72-hour forecast June 4, 2010 12:00 CDT – June 6, 2010 12:00 CDT The section of the oil slick that has exited the Loop Current is drifting eastward towards Florida’s west coast at 10 to 15 miles per day. By June 6, the oil spill boundary is predicted to be approximately 50 miles off the coast of Tampa Bay and Florida’s west coast. Tags: dispersant riser pipe syphon gulf louisiana alabama mississippi miami lauderdale tampa “st. pete” “st petersburg” clearwater “palm beach” turtles coral reef pelicans dolphins terns oilspill oilslick oil BP Deepwater Horizon Transocean Halliburton Anadarko wellhead junkshot containment boom dome rov rig blowout preventer “lower marine riser” LMRP “top hat” “top kill” containment dome hat ixtoc exxon valdez volcano geyser loop current gulfstream “new orleans” biloxi corexit