Posted on
August 26, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Reuters |
BP: Macondo well is not leaking oil, new inspection confirms Washington Post (blog) The Coast Guard and BP have returned to the scene of last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster after a newspaper reported numerous oily blobs rising to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico a mile from the site. … Scientists: Oil fouling Gulf matches Deepwater Horizon well (photo gallery, video) (blog) Coast Guard, BP investigating reports of oil at Deepwater Horizon Mining and police work make most dangerous jobs in 2010Reuters Center for Research on Globalization –Press-Register – (blog) –WKRG-TV all 500 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: blogConfirmsInspectionLeakingMacondoPostWashingtonWell
Posted on
December 09, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Florida Independent |
Money to double drilling inspection staff included in spending bill OK'd by House The bill also takes a recommendation from the Obama administration and staffers for the National Oil Spill Commission to give the Bureau of Ocean Energy, … Far Offshore, a Rash of Close CallsWall Street Journal Rigs in Gulf Ready to Drill, but There's Little WorkNew York Times Stats on eastern gulf oil deposits bely rhetoric against Obama drilling banThe Florida Independent Bloomberg –Daily Press –Tri Parish Times all 68 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: billDoubleDrillingHouseincludedInspectionMoneyNOLA.comOK'dSpendingstaff