Posted on
December 05, 2011 by
bp complaints
 WTSP 10 News |
Report shows impact of legislation that directs BP oil spill fines to coastal … Restoring the Gulf Coast: new Markets for Established Firms was completed for the Environmental Defense Fund. It comes as Congress is taking up legislation to direct 80 percent of fines levied as punishment for the 2010 BP oil spill to restoration … Group: Spend Oil Spill Fines on RestorationWCTV How to Spend BP Oil Spill FinesCapitol News Service Report: Federal RESTORE Act would generate many jobs for Florida businessesFirst Coast News MarketWatch (press release) all 18 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Posted on
December 05, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Scientists offer different view of impact of BP oil spill disaster BILOXI — A group of scientists will paint a picture tonight of the contamination in the Gulf that differs from what the Coast was told after the BP oil spill. Scott Milroy, a marine scientist at USM who … Feds set to release gulf restoration planHouston Chronicle
all 239 news articles »
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Tags: DifferentdisasterimpactOfferScientistsspillSunHerald.comview
Posted on
December 05, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Oil spill impact on tuna lessened By AP Last year's BP oil spill probably won't push the troubled bluefin tuna population in the Gulf of Mexico over the edge as some scientists had worried, a federal analysis shows. Of potential damage from the 172-million-gallon spill in April 2010, … Feds set to release gulf restoration planHouston Chronicle Fed figures: Despite key spawning ground oiled, Gulf of Mexico tuna probably …Washington Post Tuna Population Not Terribly Affected by Oil SpillWJHG-TV KCEN-TV all 217 news articles »
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Tags: impactlessenedspillTbo.comtuna
Posted on
November 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
Scientists and policy makers discuss long-term impact of gulf oil spill ABC2 News BALTIMORE – The long-term impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is yet to be seen, however scientists are working hard to come up with an idea of what we can expect. There's a symposium going on at the National Aquarium in …
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: ABC2discussGulfimpactlongtermmakersNewsPolicyScientistsspill
Posted on
September 24, 2011 by
bp complaints
 TG Daily |
UCSB Researcher Receives Grant to Study Impact of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Santa Barbara Independent Uta Passow, a researcher in UC Santa Barbara's Marine Science Institute, spent most of the past year in the Gulf of Mexico analyzing the environmental impact of oil spilled as a result of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in April 2010. … 1 million pounds of carbon released after Gulf of Mexico BP Files Its First Deepwater Gulf Exploration Plan Since Oil SpillFox Business build on oil drilling safety Pensacola News Journal –World Socialist Web Site –Bloomberg all 131 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: BarbaraDeepwatergrantHorizonimpactindependentReceivesresearcherSantaspillStudyUCSB
Posted on
September 12, 2011 by
bp complaints
 European Parliament (press release) |
Researcher investigates Deepwater Horizon oil spill impact on coast Soon after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on April 20, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico, Annette Engel, associate professor in earth and planetary sciences at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, grabbed all the lab materials she could spare … Big Oil steps up the battle for deep water drillingGreenpeace UK (blog)
all 16 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: coastDeepwaterHorizonimpactinvestigatesPhysOrg.comresearcherspill
Posted on
July 05, 2011 by
bp complaints
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Senate panel probes spill's impact on natural resources The Hill (blog) The committee's Water and Wildlife subcommittee will hold a hearing on the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment, an analysis that federal and state officials are conducting to chart the spill's ecological toll on the Gulf. … BP control of Gulf cleanup money interfering with scientific integrity of …Climate Science Watch Dead dolphins and people still suffering from Gulf oil spill disasterallvoices BP / Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Recovery Efforts in Mississippi Receive Boost …MMD Newswire (press release) Xinhua all 164 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: blogEnergyHillimpactNaturalOVERNIGHTpanelProbesResourcesSenatespill's
Posted on
May 08, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Times LIVE |
Gulf Oil Drilling Disaster: Gendered Layers of Impact truthout The Deepwater Horizon Oil Drilling Disaster of April 20, 2010 (the "BP Oil Spill") is, as the news sometimes tells us, causing grave damage to the waterways and shores, marshlands and bayous of the Gulf of Mexico. Far more hidden is the devastation … Oil drilling group Transocean reports profit slumpAFP Congress Fails to Jumpstart American Energy FutureReligious Action Center (press release) Rising gas prices alter debate on offshore energy explorationArizona Daily Star –The Independent all 59 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: disasterDrillingGenderedGulfimpactlayerstruthout
Posted on
April 17, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Deepwater Horizon impact still felt The Press Association As the first anniversary of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster approaches, the catastrophic impact of the explosion and spill is still being felt from the Gulf Coast through to the BP boardroom. Some 4.9 million barrels of oil have pumped into the Gulf of … Emails expose BP's attempts to control research into impact of Gulf oil spillThe Guardian Oil Firms to Deploy New Containment Device for Deepwater SpillsWall Street Journal E-mails: BP tried to control spill Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) –CBS News –Nieman Watchdog (blog) all 2,015 news articles »
gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: AssociationDeepwaterfeltHorizonimpactpressstill
Posted on
April 15, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian (blog) |
Emails expose BP's attempts to control research into impact of Gulf oil spill The Guardian BP pledged a 0m fund for independent research into the consequences of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. Photograph: Gerald Herbert/AP Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show BP officials openly discussing how to influence the … BP Oil Disaster at One Year: Making the Most of the Natural Resource Damage …Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) As BP Oil Spill Anniversary Looms, Gulf Restoration Groups Laud Introduction …PR Newswire (press release) Bc-Us–Gulf Oil Spill Anniversary,Advisory,WJTV Daily Mail –Environment News Service –Reuters all 1,569 news articles »
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Tags: AttemptsBP'sControlemailsexposeGuardianGulfimpactintoResearchspill