Posted on
December 05, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Associated Press |
EPA announces federal task force plan to restore the Gulf of Mexico following … Corpus Christi Caller Times Scientists, policy makers and environmental stewards will discuss the Gulf habitats most affected by the disaster and review scientific data gathered since the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill that killed 11 people and spilled almost 5 … RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other StatesMarketWatch (press release) Task force urges Congress to funnel oil-spill penalty money to GulfThe Hill (blog) Task force releases final strategy for reversing damage from oil spillFlorida Independent Houston Chronicle all 272 news articles »
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Tags: AnnouncescallerChristiCorpusFederalfollowingForceGulfMexicoplanrestoreTaskTimes
Posted on
December 05, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Task force urges Congress to funnel oil-spill penalty money to Gulf The Hill (blog) A federal-state task force established by President Obama in the aftermath of last year's massive BP oil spill urged Congress Monday to require that billions of dollars in fines from the disaster be used to … RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other StatesMarketWatch (press release) Feds set to release gulf restoration planHouston Chronicle Contact Information: Alisha Johnson,, 202-564-4373U.S. (press release)
all 187 news articles »
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Tags: blogCongressForcefunnelGulfHillMoneyoilspillpenaltyTaskurges
Posted on
December 05, 2011 by
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EPA completes Gulf oil spill task force work, USDA gives million to river … Washington Post (blog) HOUSTON — Federal authorities are providing million to restore seven Gulf Coast river basins after last year's catastrophic oil spill. The US Environmental Protection Agency's head Lisa Jackson says a task force has set out a series of goals to … Task force urges Congress to funnel oil–spill penalty money to GulfThe Hill (blog) Epa Announces Million For Gulf River BasinsWSLS Contact Information: Alisha Johnson,, 202-564-4373U.S. (press release)
all 95 news articles »
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Tags: blogCompletesForcegivesGulfMillionPostriverspillTaskUSDAWashingtonWork
Posted on
November 25, 2011 by
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As task force prepares oil spill report, questions arise on who will pay to … Bills have been filed in both the House and Senate calling for 80 percent of any fines levied as punishment for the oil spill to be directed to restoration projects along the gulf coast. By some estimates that could bring billion —- money that, … 1950: The race for oil in the Gulf of Fueling an oily futureRed Pepper
all 4 news articles »
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Tags: ariseForcePreparesQuestionsReportspillTampabay.comTask
Posted on
November 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Between The Lines |
Federal-State Task Force Proposes Strategy to Restore Oil Spill-Ravaged Gulf … Between The Lines After last year's British Petroleum oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, a federal-state task force began looking at ways to address long-term environmental damage along the Gulf Coast. The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force issued a … Still Collecting Lawsuits, Oil Giant Resumes DrillingMotley Fool Post-moratorium, new finds in the GulfHouma Courier Regulators Extend 1400 Deepwater Leases in Gulf of MexicoThe Maritime Executive Houston Chronicle –Bizmology –PR Web (press release) all 47 news articles »
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Tags: BetweenFederalStateForceGulfLinesproposesrestoreSpillRavagedStrategyTask
Posted on
July 22, 2011 by
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 Reuters |
Federal task force delays release of final report on BP oil spill The Hill (blog) A federal task force investigating the cause of last year's Deepwater Horizon oil spill will delay the release of its final report. The task force — headed up by the US Coast Guard and the Interior … US Investigators Delay Report On Deepwater Horizon SpillNASDAQ US delays final report on BP oil spill probeReuters India Responder Safety in the Face of Disaster: Lessons Learned from the BP Oil SpillEHS Today Reuters –Bloomberg – all 31 news articles »
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Tags: blogdelaysFederalfinalForceHillRELEASEReportspillTask
Posted on
March 08, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Breuer to Supervise New Gulf Oil Spill Task Force Main Justice The Justice Department on Monday announced that it will establish a task force to oversee the department's criminal investigation into the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Last summer, Attorney General … Criminal Investigations Into BP Oil Spill Are ConsolidatedWall Street Journal New leader for an oil spill investigationHouston Chronicle Mardi Gras Gulf Cry for Help: Billy Nungesser with Gulf hero David Gibbons (vid) Red and Black –Reuters –Seattle Post Intelligencer all 248 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: BreuerForceGulfJusticemainspillSuperviseTask
Posted on
March 08, 2011 by
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US Forms Criminal Task Force to Jointly Probe Deepwater Horizon Disaster Bloomberg The US Justice Department has formed the Deepwater Horizon Task Force to consolidate its investigation into possible criminal charges stemming from the drilling rig explosion that killed 11 …
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deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: BloombergCriminalDeepwaterdisasterForceFormsHorizonJointlyprobeTask
Posted on
March 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
As Dolphins Die, Gulf Restoration Task Force Takes Heat Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) Restore and rebuild the Gulf after the worst maritime oil disaster in history. “This task force was created out of a horrible event, Lisa Jackson told the audience. “We have to look to the future and come together. If we align our resources we will …
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gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: blogCouncildefensedolphinsForceGulfheatNaturalResourcesRestorationtakesTask
Posted on
March 02, 2011 by
bp complaints
As Dolphins Die, Gulf Restoration Task Force Takes Heat Huffington Post (blog) Restore and rebuild the Gulf after the worst maritime oil disaster in history. “This task force was created out of a horrible event, Lisa Jackson told the audience. “We have to look to the future and come together. If we align our resources we will …
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Tags: blogdolphinsForceGulfheatHuffingtonPostRestorationtakesTask