Posted on
December 10, 2011 by
bp complaints (blog) |
US seeks to block Transocean protection move Financial Times The US Department of Justice has attacked an attempt by Transocean, the offshore drilling contractor, to protect itself against penalties arising from the Deepwater Horizon disaster last year, accusing the company of “wilful … DOJ asks court to deny Transocean move on oil spill costsReuters UK BP's threat to indemnify clauses shakes contract law and, indeed, business (blog)
all 6 news articles »
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Tags: blockFinancialmoveProtectionseeksTimesTransocean
Posted on
October 24, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Anadarko relief puts focus on Dudley's review Financial Times Even in the US, where BP is still waiting for approval to return to drilling in the Gulf of Mexico after last year's accident, the company is making progress, notably being told it can participate in the next sale of offshore leases. … BP, Anadarko settle Gulf disaster claimsPalm Beach Post
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Tags: AnadarkoDudley'sFinancialFocusPutsReliefReviewTimes
Posted on
October 18, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Deepwater a warning for junior partners Financial Times The repercussions of the Deepwater Horizon accident have shaken the oil industry worldwide over the past 18 months. As the consequences for legal liabilities and regulatory enforcement start to become clear, the disaster is having a renewed impact on … BP & Anadarko Kiss And Make Up In Billion Deepwater Horizon SettlementForbes BP reaches bn settlement over Deepwater Horizon disasterThe Guardian S&P ups Anadarko outlook on BP settlementMarketWatch 24/7 Wall St. (blog) –Herald Scotland –Wall Street Journal all 602 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: DeepwaterFinancialjuniorPartnersTimeswarning
Posted on
October 17, 2011 by
bp complaints
 BBC News |
BP leads sustained London rally Financial Times BP topped the FTSE 100 on Monday after it made further progress in its journey to put the events of the Deepwater Horizon spill behind it. The oil major announced the terms of a settlement reached with its one-time partner on the … BP, Anadarko Reaches Settlement Pact For Deepwater Horizon AccidentFox Business BP recovers bn Gulf oil spill costs from AnadarkoAFP Anadarko Announces Settlement With BPMarketWatch (press release) Management Today –BBC News –Wall Street Journal all 317 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: FinancialleadsLondonRallysustainedTimes
Posted on
September 23, 2011 by
bp complaints
Challenges of deepwater drilling The FINANCIAL The FINANCIAL — Oil rig As the wide-ranging impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill off the south coast of the United States continue to be felt, Lloyd's today published a new report that warns of the technical and operational risks associated with … Lloyd's Report Sums Up Deepwater ChallengesOccupational Health & Safety Deepwater drilling risk rising – Lloyd'sReactions Magazine (subscription)
all 3 news articles »
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Tags: ChallengesDeepwaterDrillingFinancial
Posted on
September 17, 2011 by
bp complaints
 ABC News |
Setback for BP over Macondo disaster liability Financial Times Mistakes made by other companies on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig do not affect BP's potential liability for gross negligence in the Macondo disaster last year, US legal experts have said, keeping open the risk that BP will have to pay the largest … Steffy: Spill report too timid in its recommendationsHouston Chronicle BP And the Deepwater Horizon Disaster-US Federal ReportTRCB News Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill – Time to turn “Lessons Learned” into “Lessons …Security Debrief The Guardian –Forbes all 1,820 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: disasterFinancialliabilityMacondooverSetbackTimes
Posted on
September 09, 2011 by
bp complaints
Time running out in BP's strategy vacuum Financial Times Complicating all decisions, and seen as the biggest drag on its share price, is uncertainty over how much BP will have to pay for the gulf spill and whether it will be found to have been grossly negligent, something it has denied. …
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Tags: BP'sFinancialRunningStrategyTimeTimesVacuum
Posted on
September 08, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Mother Nature Network |
DJ UPDATE: BP In Fresh Gulf Of Mexico Oil Find Middle East North Africa Financial Network (CVX) Tuesday announced a discovery with BP in the Gulf of Mexico at the Moccasin prospect, the site of the first exploratory well permit granted after the end of a deepwater moratorium that followed last year's oil spill. BP said the fact the well was … CORRECT: Chevron Moccasin Oil Discovery Adds To List Of Big FindsWall Street Journal
all 173 news articles »
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Tags: 'middleAfricaeastFinancialFindfreshGulfMexicoNetworknorthUPDATE
Posted on
September 07, 2011 by
bp complaints
 International Business Times |
Chevron announces Gulf of Mexico oil find Financial Times … the second-largest US oil group by market capitalisation, has announced a potentially large discovery in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, confirming the region's high potential after the problems that followed BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster … Chevron Moccasin Oil Discovery Adds To List Of Big FindsWall Street Journal Chevron strikes oil in deep-water GulfHouston Chronicle Chevron make big oil find in Gulfs Moccasin playFuelFix (blog) Press-Register – (blog) all 85 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: AnnouncesChevronFinancialFindGulfMexicoTimes
Posted on
August 19, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Gulf of Mexico oil lease sales resume Financial Times The US government is holding the first sale of oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico since last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster, a move that comes as the Obama administration tries to put pressure on companies to develop their … US Plans First Sale of Offshore Oil Leases Since Gulf DisasterNew York Times US sets sale of offshore drilling leases in GulfAFP Obama to resume Gulf of Mexico lease salesUSA Today (blog) MarineLink –Wall Street Journal –Los Angeles Times all 1,058 news articles »
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Tags: FinancialGulfLeaseMexicoResumesalesTimes