Posted on
September 07, 2011 by
bp complaints |
million awarded to charities that help those affected by BP oil spill "The oil spill ended a year ago, but the effects are still being felt all along the Gulf Coast," said John Davies, the foundation's chief executive officer. "The Future of the Gulf Fund will provide significant resources to some very worthwhile …
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Posted on
September 21, 2010 by
bp complaints
 Press-Register – (blog) |
New Orleans Saints raffle Super Bowl ring for Gulf spill charities Mother Nature Network (blog) Beyond the raffle, the Saints have already allocated 0000 to local charities that are responding to the recent oil spill disaster. … Saints announce winner of ring raffle2TheAdvocate (blog) Hattiesburg man wins Saints Super Bowl ringFOX 8 News WVUE-TV
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Posted on
August 24, 2010 by
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 Washington Post |
Catholic Charities USA President Participates in Gulf Coast Oil Spill Disaster … PR Newswire (press release) Since the Oil Spill Disaster in April 2010, Catholic Charities USA's disaster response team has been on the ground conducting needs assessments, … Feinberg Criticized for Spill-Compensation TermsWall Street Journal Oil Spill Claims Czar Feinberg Blasted on First Day of Overseeing BP PaymentsDailyFinance Gulf spill claims: Take money now, or chances later?Los Angeles Times The Hill (blog) – (blog) – all 1,165 news articles »
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