Posted on
April 26, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
BP Deepwater Oil Spill Wildlife Update: Sea Turtles Audubon Magazine (blog) “It's still way, way up the air in terms of impacts to populations and I think it's too early to tell, to tell you the truth.” Oil Spill Wildlife Spotlight: Turtles A look into how turtles could have been affected in the Gulf of Mexico. BP Files Billion Dollar Lawsuits on One Year Anniversary of Gulf Oil New Children's Book Aims to Help Kids Understand the Gulf Oil Spill (and Giveaway)Green Building Pro (blog) BP Sues Transocean Over Blowout PreventerNPR Palm Beach Post –Daily Caller – all 2,475 news articles »
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Tags: AudubonblogDeepwaterMagazinespillTurtlesUPDATEWildlife
Posted on
April 22, 2011 by
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 Fox News |
BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Wildlife Update: Blue Crab, Shrimp, and Oysters Audubon Magazine (blog) “Since almost all fishery-exploited marine animals which spawn in the Gulf's continental shelf are at least approaching overfished conditions, the additional stress of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill may constitute tipping points for many species … BP Files Billion Dollar Lawsuits on One Year Anniversary of Gulf Oil BP Sues Transocean Over Blowout PreventerNPR Is nation forgetting lessons of oil spill?Sarasota Herald-Tribune Free Speech Radio News – –The News Herald all 8,920 news articles »
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Tags: AudubonblogBlueCrabDeepwaterHorizonMagazineOystersShrimpspillUPDATEWildlife
Posted on
April 21, 2011 by
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 ABC News |
BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Wildlife Update: Roseate Spoonbills Audubon Magazine (blog) Flashes of pink in buttonbush trees betray roseate spoonbills nesting in Louisiana's marshes, just miles from where oil spread in the Gulf of Mexico last year. At the time ornithologists feared that the birds' pink feathers would be … Politico Gives Jindal A Pass On Oil Spill ResponseMedia Matters for America (blog)
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Tags: AudubonblogDeepwaterHorizonMagazineRoseatespillSpoonbillsUPDATEWildlife
Posted on
April 20, 2011 by
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 National Geographic |
Oil Spill Wildlife Update: Reddish Egret Audubon Magazine (blog) About 12000 live on the Gulf Coast in the US, a number small enough to be vulnerable. Oil spills in the Gulf pose a distinct threat to reddish egrets especially, because, unlike other heron species, they're found only along coastal waters. … The Best Writing on the BP Oil SpillTreehugger The Gulf Oil Spill: Where we are a year laterThePopTort US still holds BP accountable for “painful losses”: ObamaThe Hindu (blog) –CNN (blog) –TIME (blog) all 5,827 news articles »
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Tags: AudubonblogEgretMagazineReddishspillUPDATEWildlife
Posted on
April 20, 2011 by
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 National Geographic |
BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Wildlife Update: Bluefin Tuna Audubon Magazine (blog) Last May, they tagged four bluefin caught in the vicinity of the oil spill. “All fish completed their migration up to the Grand Banks and Gulf of St. Lawrence, where the tags separated from the fish on schedule after 90 days, floated to the surface, … The Best Writing on the BP Oil SpillTreehugger The Gulf Oil Spill: Where we are a year laterThePopTort One Year Later: The Gulf Oil (blog) CNN (blog) –TIME (blog) –Newsweek all 5,622 news articles »
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Tags: AudubonblogbluefinDeepwaterHorizonMagazinespilltunaUPDATEWildlife
Posted on
April 19, 2011 by
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Oil Spill Wildlife Update: Snowy Plover Audubon Magazine (blog) What could be a greater contrast to last year's massive, devastating oil spill than a snowy plover, no bigger than a fist, skittering hither and thither along a Gulf Coast beach. It's a bird that weighs just two ounces as an adult, … One Year Later: The Gulf Oil (blog) MacDonald: BP spill will be a marker for potential destructiveness of human …CNN (blog) A Year After the Oil Spill, the Gulf is Recovering—But Doubts RemainTIME (blog) Newsweek –Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) –Jackson Clarion Ledger all 3,809 news articles »
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Tags: AudubonblogMagazinePloverSnowyspillUPDATEWildlife
Posted on
April 13, 2011 by
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 Audubon Magazine (blog) |
Effects of Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill Still Visible One Year Later Audubon Magazine (blog) One year ago today, the Deepwater Horizon had not yet exploded, killing 11 people and injuring many more. Oil had not yet started to gush into the Gulf of Mexico. Oil had not begun to wash up onto the shores of East Grand Terre, Gulf Islands National …
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Posted on
November 23, 2010 by
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NEW ORLEANS – The Audubon Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center cares for 30 sea turtles and one dolphin on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010. The turtles and dolphin were rescued as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. They all are scheduled to be released in the near future. U.S. Coast Guard video by Petty Officer 1st Class Susan Blake and Petty Officer 3rd Class Anthony Soto.
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Tags: AudubonDolphinRehab.movTurtle
Posted on
November 12, 2010 by
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 Mississippi Press (blog) |
Official details Audubon response to Gulf oil spill Joplin Globe She spent it in the Gulf of Mexico, monitoring bird rescue and rehabilitation efforts during the Gulf oil spill and directing an army of 32000 Audubon … Nalco Announces Gulf Coast Recovery Grants, Dec. 10 Deadline for Grant RequestsThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release) Audubon strengthens its mission with Volunteer Response CenterMississippi Press (blog)
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Tags: AudubondetailsGlobeGulfJoplinOfficialresponsespill
Posted on
November 12, 2010 by
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 Mississippi Press (blog) |
Audubon strengthens its mission with Volunteer Response Center Mississippi Press (blog) The Moss Point facility serves as the center of communication for National Audubon's volunteer response to the gulf oil disaster. And while the oil is no …
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