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July 02, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Houston Chronicle (blog) |
Feds restart process of selling Gulf leases San Antonio Express The auction of potentially attractive tracts in the central Gulf — near the site of the Macondo well blowout — had been postponed because of the oil spill. Wednesday's announcement, though, sends a signal the sale will take place next spring, … BOEMRE Completes Draft Supplemental EIS for Central Gulf of Mexico Lease SaleThe Maritime Executive (press release) Gulf oil, natural gas lease sale on track for springHouston Chronicle
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Tags: AntonioExpressFedsGulfLeasesprocessRestartSelling
Posted on
June 23, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Transocean's report blames BP decisions for rig disaster San Antonio Express HOUSTON — A bad cement job and BP's failure to appreciate the risks of its operations were key to the deadly blowout on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in May 2010, according to a report issued by rig owner Transocean on Wednesday. … Transocean report pins oil spill blame on BPReuters Transocean's Probe Blames BP Decisions For Gulf Of Mexico SpillWall Street Journal Transocean blames BP for Gulf spillFinancial Times ThirdAge –The Louisiana Record –The Guardian all 1,179 news articles »
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Tags: AntonioblamesDecisionsdisasterExpressReportTransocean's
Posted on
June 10, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Fox News |
Drilling draws 2lawsuits San Antonio Express The conservationists say the government isn't able to make a fully informed decision about the impact of the project now because the ocean energy bureau has just begun work on an environmental review of the Gulf that is essentially a post-spill update … Environmentalists challenge Shells Gulf plans in courtFuelFix (blog) Exxon Finds Biggest Oil Field in Gulf of Mexico Since 1999San Francisco Chronicle Exxon has 3 deepwater Gulf of Mexico discoveries-UPDATE 5Forexyard Wall Street Journal all 483 news articles »
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Tags: 2lawsuitsAntonioDrawsDrillingExpress
Posted on
June 10, 2011 by
bp complaints
Environmentalists sue to halt Gulf drilling plan San Antonio Express The conservationists say the government isn't able to make a fully informed decision about the impact of the project now because the ocean energy bureau has just begun work on an environmental review of the Gulf that is essentially a post-spill update … Environmentalists challenge Shells Gulf plans in courtFuelFix (blog) Exxon has 3 deepwater Gulf of Mexico discoveries-UPDATE 5Forexyard Exxon Finds Biggest Oil Field in Gulf of Mexico Since 1999San Francisco Chronicle Wall Street Journal all 476 news articles »
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Tags: AntonioDrillingEnvironmentalistsExpressGulfhaltplan
Posted on
March 25, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Chevron says lessons from spill will boost safety of newly OKed project San Antonio Express Chevron says it is applying lessons learned from last year's Deepwater Horizon accident to make sure the drilling project regulators approved on Thursday will be the safest well possible. … Initial loss of well control doomed Deepwater HorizonWashington Post DNV issues final report on Macondo blow-outOffshore Oil and Gas Magazine Buckled pipe prevented BOP from protecting Deepwater Horizon rigThe Engineer Oil & Gas Journal – – all 25 news articles »
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Tags: AntonioboostChevronExpressLessonsnewlyOKedprojectSafetysaysspill
Posted on
March 24, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Off-center pipe blamed for spill San Antonio Express The bottom of the blowout preventer stack, from the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, which is being examined as evidence for federal investigations, is seen at the NASA Michaud Assembly facility in New … Gulf oil spill: failure of blowout preventer traced to bent drill pipeChristian Science Monitor Stuck Pipe Kept Shear Rams From Sealing BP Gulf of Mexico Well, US SaysBloomberg Trapped Pipe Enabled Gulf Oil SpillWall Street Journal Financial Times – –Argus Press all 628 news articles »
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Tags: AntonioblamedExpressOffcenterPipespill
Posted on
March 04, 2011 by
bp complaints |
US needs more drilling in Gulf San Antonio Express That's bad news for Texas and other Gulf state economies. In a time of uncertainty about foreign oil sources, it's bad news for the national economy. The Macondo blowout revealed serious flaws in the regulation of offshore drilling as well as disaster … No Bonus for BP Managers Overseeing Fatal Oil-WellWall Street Journal BP bonuses for two directors despite US oil disasterIndependent £1.1m pay-off for BP boss in charge during Houston Chronicle –Daily Mail –CITY A.M. all 426 news articles »
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Tags: AntonioDrillingExpressGulfmoreNeeds
Posted on
March 02, 2011 by
bp complaints
Prepared to meet stricter deep-water drilling rules San Antonio Express Owen said he and Helix learned many important lessons during last year's gulf disaster. The company signed a contract to help BP on June 12 and processed its first oil from a giant cap over the wellhead July 12 — three days before the company closed …
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Tags: AntonioDeepwaterDrillingExpressMeetpreparedRulesStricter
Posted on
February 12, 2011 by
bp complaints
 New York Times (blog) |
Deep-water drilling permits expected soon San Antonio Express The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement has issued no new deep-water drilling permits since last April's Deepwater Horizon … Green: Spill Commissioners Call for Review of Energy PolicyNew York Times (blog) Bromwich: Don't hold your breath for new deepwater (blog) BP Deepwater Horizon the focus of lawmakersABC2 News PennEnergy- Energy News (press release) –Center For American Progress – all 131 news articles »
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Tags: AntonioDeepwaterDrillingexpectedExpressPermitssoon
Posted on
December 17, 2010 by
bp complaints (blog) |
Chevron goes deep with billion gulf project San Antonio Express Despite lingering regulatory uncertainty in the US offshore region created by the BP oil spill, the nation's second-largest oil company said it will spend … Bay Biz Buzz: Chevron will spend billion on Gulf projectTri-Valley Herald Chevron pushes forward with aggressive exploration and (blog)
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Tags: AntoniobillionChevronDeepExpressgoesGulfproject