Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

White House’s Idea of Moritorium on Deep Sea Drilling Not Scientists

Posted on July 10, 2010 by bp complaints

Experts Say White House ‘Misrepresented’ Views to Justify Drilling Moratorium Never let a good crisis go to waste The seven experts who advised President Obama on how to deal with Offshore Drilling safety after the Deepwater Horizon explosion are accusing his administration of misrepresenting their views to make it appear that they supported a six-month Drilling Moratorium — something they actually oppose . The experts, recommended by the National Academy of Engineering, say Interior Secretary Ken Salazar modified their report last month , after they signed it, to… READ MORE » politifi.com

0 to “White House’s Idea of Moritorium on Deep Sea Drilling Not Scientists”

  1. mrhulot101 says:

    .America doesn’t need a drilling moratorium.

    We need an immigration moratorium!

    The USA grew uneccessarily by 100 million in last 40 years nearly all via immigration & thanks to unending unlimited immigration we are on track to reach a half a billion in a few decades. With a Moratorium on immigration in place we would level off around 330 million.
    Who cares if we stop drilling, & inflate our tires, if we keep flooding the country with milliions of immigrants.
    Immigration moratorium Now!

  2. mrhulot101 says:

    we don’t need a drilling moratorium, we need an immigration moratorium, We grew by 100 million in last 40 years nearly all via immigration and without an immigration moratorium are on track to reach a half a billion in a few decades.

  3. mrhulot101 says:

    we don’t need a drilling moratorium, we need an immigration moratorium, We grew by 100 million in last 40 ywears nearly all via immigration and without an immigration moratorium are on track to reach a half a billion in a few decades.

  4. AndrewDeLong says:


    500 ft of water is the cutoff of shallow water to deep water drilling. Current MMS lists show the deepest Deep Water site to be at 9,627 ft down (water depth). That rig is controlled by Shell. Shell has the next deepest rig on the list at 7,814 ft. down. Then Noble Inc. has the third deepest at 6,526ft down. None of them have had problems thus far. This shows that BP is clearly incompetent at their job. You cannot blame the gov’t for that.

  5. pig5689 says:

    BP and greedy bank execs have wrecked this planet. Peel back the onion layer by layer and you’ll see every tragedy from the economy to the poisoning of the Gulf is a result of pure, wretched greed. That’s it. That’s the beginning. What the execs don’t understand is that people are sick to death of their disgusting greed, lies & incompetence. What good will their money & security do them when 50,000 pissed-off middle-class workers come over the hill to their estates carrying torches & ropes?

  6. countryboy1949 says:

    @rwnutjob That is true, BP though not perfect, wanted to drill in 500 ft of water and the gov’t wouldn’t let them, then made them drill the well in 5,000 ft. of water

  7. rwnutjob says:

    Browner is one of the lead environmentalist who forced drilling into 5000′ water at the edge of technology. Had this spill been on land in ANWAR, the fix would have ben 30 minutes.

  8. rwnutjob says:

    You Lie!

    …Joe Wilson

  9. mickrussom says:

    Progressives and liberals CAUSED all of this by being rats and traitors and opposing nuclear power for 4 decades. THE OIL AND BLOOD ON ARE ON YOU DEMOCRATS, LIBERALS AND PROGRESSIVES, you did this, and you love to buy the TERRoil!

  10. NCMan28025 says:

    Notice how Obummer and everyone in his administration has a stuttering and stammering problem when they have to explain the lies and fraud?

  11. NCMan28025 says:

    @adamitshelanu Both! Napolitano is inept. Salazar is inept and Obummer is inept. However, telling lies and committing fraud is the areas these Progressives are experts in.

  12. krisminefee says:

    Fraud. Once just a negative label given in derision to the President by his political enemies but now a true practice of the administration in governing the ignorant. Someone should be fired (or impeached) for such a blatant attempt to mislead but instead we accept it as just “politics, Chicago style.”

  13. larnem says:

    Ah F it. If it wipes us all out maybe a more intelligent life will evolve somewhere down the road. We don’t deserve this any more. We are abusing the gifts of the earth.

  14. adamitshelanu says:

    I’m having some difficulty deciding which one is more incompetent: Big Sis Napolitano or Ponco Villa Salazar. On an ideological level, both are craven and well suited to serve their master, Obamie.

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