Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Oil Spill Woes (Dump BP)

Posted on June 07, 2010 by bp complaints

How are people to learn to speak and think about “public interest values” without resorting to private interests and monetary implications? also see: www.youtube.com


0 to “Oil Spill Woes (Dump BP)”

  1. lukewarmstormed says:

    Saying that this is due to de-regulation is rather ignorant. I mean regulations have been increasing since the advent of this country so that’s nonsense.

  2. pointyhead1 says:

    David Eyton , BP Gulf Operations bigshot, has been busy analysing ClimateGate emails for the Muir Russell Climategate whitewash.

    The fact that BP has heavily funded climate research and is always seeking to improve relations with governments, that Eyton is avowedly in support of the climate scientists, aside, he has decidely kept a VERY LOW PROFILE over the oil leak, on his watch.
    but he did a right good job on analysing ClimateGate emails, for sure !

  3. lukewarmstormed says:

    You can’t say BP is deregulated. Part of the reason the drilled in the water was due to regulations and prohibition on drilling on land.

    Also BP is a corporation meaning it is already prop by the state with legislation and corporate tax etc…which of course privatizes profit and socializes loses. As you can see BP exec aren’t personally invested in this clean up because the “corporation” is taking care of the cost.

  4. Mjhavok says:

    To paraphrase Oscar Wilde. People today know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

  5. AdderallApocalypse says:

    hey! great video! (and I don’t usually say that to you! :-P) I’m glad at least *some* people are saying things like this!

  6. amabodie says:

    Hey Corey. While I think its a good thing that you are drawing attention to the issue of respecting the plannet beyond monetary proffit, I can’t help thinking you’re using BP as a scape-goat here. The fact is simple – the real question that we should be asking is: what the hell do we expect, drilling up oil from the bottom of the sea and shipping it around the globe to burn in our homes and cars? To blame an organization or a lack of media couverage is really just avoiding responsibility.

  7. jogayot says:

    @wholethinker russians are no more or less self-destructive than average idiot. the point of my comment was that capitalism vel free market and its invisible hand of competition (as opposed to communist central command) somehow magically working towards the greatest good of mankind is a myth.

  8. wholethinker says:

    @jogayot I was born there. Russians are self-distractive, even more than Americans.

  9. jlangelier1 says:

    Do you want to have tranquility? … Would you like to live as a sage does? You can, and you can achieve this observe the mind and then try to break the chain of retaliatory justice.


    “Don’t ever shop at BP again. You ever see a BP, don’t you ever buy gas there. This is an evil corporation… There’s no way to stop it. But at least in this case, there is a concrete action that you can take.”

    Yes, there is concrete action we can take.

    Physician, heal thyself.

  10. jlangelier1 says:

    That’s adorable.

    “This is our HOME… I think there is something very alarming when corporate interests can really take over what is OBVIOUSLY a public interests, and I guess with a kind of immunity.”

    Never lose your innocence. You can never get it back. Trust me on that one.

  11. SkepticalThought says:

    @videosouthafrica So what are you advocating? Ecoterrorism? And you think that will actually achieve something?

  12. jogayot says:

    @wholethinker i hope you are joking… otherwise: “swoosh”… it’s the sound of irony speeding past you.

  13. jogayot says:

    @acromel compared to this Exxon Valdes is a pimple… being a curious mind i looked up Horizon “event” and oils spills on wikipedia. looks like they ain’t gonna stop it in couple of months. and flow may be orders of magnitude greater than the one in 1979… anyway. crying over spilt milk…

  14. stripe64 says:

    Short BP.

  15. videosouthafrica says:

    quit babbling [ i know ure trying or even are logical ] …. logic doesnt work …. BP and us politicians need a serious DOSE of al quaeda …. im sick and tired of all this TALK … its just TALK …. and what is happening is the entire ocean is being messed up …. and the TALK and BABBLING just goes on …. us WENT AFTER AL QUAEDA when they messed up … i think the reverse gear needs to be applied here …. and yes its legitimate

  16. wholethinker says:

    “of course if soviet russia ran on capitalism chernobyl would never happen”
    You under-estimate Russians: they can make disasters with any regime.

  17. acromel says:

    @jogayot I thought I should be vaguely diplomatic. :o)
    The Americans don’t like criticism and words like `corrupt’ wouldn’t be well received – no matter how appropriate ;o)

    Sadly this is partly due to their free-market (as they call it) economic model. Their companies must make short-term profit at all costs – and this disaster is one of those costs. Exxon Valdez all over again.
    Obama’s mentioned this stuff but he’s just considered to be a Liberal=socialist=communist=evil. Sigh.

  18. jogayot says:

    @acromel “incompetent regulation” – the delicacy of the new-new-newspeak… i’d rather put it outright: a bribe…
    root cause? i’m pessimistic… it’s not being talked about, it never will, and even if talking about it won’t change the nature of the beast. there will always be a new way a disaster can creep in, there will always be a need for yet another revolution.

  19. pangeaprogress says:

    Good points. When you have time take a look at Gerry Spence and his book “Give Me Liberty” Spence wrestles with “how we can graft a conscience on corporations”

  20. plutodrvv says:

    People only have that as a bargaining chip to draw attention to the issue. Most poor schmucks are so railroaded that just living day to day is a chore and they don’t have time to raise their heads above the grind stone to do anything and the big corporations know this. The larger problem is our infrastructure we have grown too big and this is due to what oil allows us to do, if suddenly we had no more oil it would be catastrophic given our dependence and they way our world is set up.

  21. Professoranton says:

    @EdwardWhelanPiano Fully agreed: /watch?v=_i_JravqWSk

  22. EdwardWhelanPiano says:

    Name me one oil company that isn’t evil! I think BP is just responding to consumer demand. Anyone who uses a car or oil in any way is partially to blame for their attitude towards this planet. We have been living like kings, walking down streets paved with gold. What happens when we have to give that back? Too many people with too many demands.

  23. 1umbnonearth says:

    I’m really starting to hate driving a car more and more…

  24. acromel says:

    @jogayot The reaction is understandable but, as Obama has made clear, the cause is closer to to incompetent regulation – with a clear conflict of interest between the oil industry and the regulators. It’s not even clear which company is at fault yet – although BP is nonetheless responsible.
    Plus the environmentally illiterate `drilll baby drill’ rhetoric does nothing to help. To reduce all of this to `BP is evil’ is just petulant. The solution is to attack the root cause and not the symptom.

  25. hyperseauton says:

    It’s the environment, stupid.

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