Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Extra: Mike Williams On Andrea’s Rescue

Posted on June 14, 2010 by bp complaints

Mike Williams, the chief electronics technician aboard the Deepwater Horizon, learns the fate of Andrea.


0 to “Extra: Mike Williams On Andrea’s Rescue”

  1. Impugn1 says:

    A sailor without a knife is like a fireman without a hose. What a spectacularly stupid policy.

  2. DirtCrashr says:

    The no-knife policy is an expression of institutionalized insanity.

  3. 50srefugee says:

    Hey 60 Minutes? CBS? What’s your stance on the Second Amendment?

    Because the mindset that almost killed these people is one and the same as the one that infringes the right to keep and bear:

    Ordinary people cannot be trusted with tools they might hurt themselves or others with.

    Ordinary people cannot be trusted.

    You cannot be trusted.

  4. rodazi says:

    I also wondered what happened to Andrea. If they didn’t want to broadcast this part, then Pelley could have at least mentioned that she survived.

  5. baroneska100 says:

    This is what I wanted to know–if Andrea survived. I am so happy to know that she did. Hope to hear her story one day.
    Why did CBS cut this out? Perhaps I missed it.

  6. videotodaynews says:

    Enough with the Showtime Commercials.

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