Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

British Journalist Charlie Skelton Investigates Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2

Posted on June 05, 2010 by bp complaints

Alex talks with Charlie Skelton, author of the Guardian’s “Bilderberg Files.” Skelton covered the 2009 Bilderberg meeting in Greece and updates us on the latest Bilderberg meeting going on this year in Spain. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv

The truth is, we need oil. Even if we took every Randian Regressive SUV loving American and secretly slipped them fair trade organic coffee and sprinkled some Ed Begley Jr. pixie dust that magically turned everyone in the United States into members of the green party and we elected people like Rev. Billy to office, there is still going to be a significant transition period as we wean ourselves from our suicidal and homicidal addiction to oil. Article by Allison Kilkenny referenced in the video can be found here: trueslant.com Grab my book, DROPPIN KNOWLEDGE LIKE A CLUMSY LIBRARIAN, here: www.createspace.com Tags Bp Military, BP Oil Spill, Bp Response, Gulf Spill, James Carville Bp, Military Response Bp, Obama Bp, Obama Oil, Gulf leak


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  1. 05 06 10 12:41

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0 to “British Journalist Charlie Skelton Investigates Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2”

  1. Quex01 says:

    Hey, nice tan, Alex. Yeah, what happened to Charlie Sheen? Too much NWO?

  2. mooners40 says:

    they fear an awakened populace – let the sleeper awaken – peace love truth justice and freedom for ALL

  3. MidNiteR32 says:

    Wow, what a load of shit that British guy was:

    “I can’t remember his name.” Can anyone say…BS? Just made it up completely.

  4. MidNiteR32 says:

    Wow, what a load of shit that British guy was:

    “I can’t remember his name.” Can anyone say…BULLSHIT? Just made it up completely.

  5. theoneali says:

    5:11 it says on the paper ‘greatest porn film ever’ lol

  6. ihateslideshows says:

    canada wouldn’t say that

  7. abola2121 says:

    Why not go to the hotel a few days before the meeting and set-up spy cameras everywhere?

  8. ghostdk says:

    what ever happened to charlie sheen?

  9. 117gotmilk says:

    butterfly wing crosswinds send black hawks toward hurricane survivors
    roses sprout from empty lots and sidewalk cracks
    pacifist guerrillas move undetected through concrete jungles
    new forms are beginning to take shape
    once-occupied minds are activating
    people are waking up
    the insurgency is alive and well

  10. 117gotmilk says:

    we are building up a new world
    do not sit idly by
    do not remain neutral
    do not rely on this broadcast alone
    we are only as strong as our signal
    there is a war going on for your mind
    if you are thinking you are winning
    resistance is victory
    defeat is impossible
    your weapons are already in hand
    reach within you and find the means by which to gain your freedom
    fight with tools
    your fate and that of everyone you know depends on it

  11. mrgoodvibrations says:

    Looking forward to hearing Jim Tuckers report.

  12. 8DoverNJ says:

    Is there any list or partial list of the attendees?

  13. Charmer4856 says:

    The bankers do love us..because we are revolting enough….everyone is slowly waking up though. They love us because we let them get this far with their agenda and still tons of people are sleep to it

  14. infancysguard says:

    My big fantasy is having those armed guards paid for with citizen tax money arrest the attendees once they’ve all arrived. “Everyone here? Great! You’re all under arrest.” The look on their faces would be priceless. Or maybe bug the room, and on the last day make the mass arrest and charge them all with everything under the sun.

  15. IntoTheHeartOfMusic says:

    The Bilderberg meeting has been covered by Spanish TV news today. Surprising but true. The president and the queen of Spain are attending the meeting.

  16. docatomics says:

    … keep in mind these tyrants & there lackeys mean the opposite of what they say aj, so when you were call those derogatory terms on your visit to Canada, they were really calling you something admirable & respectful . Not sure but there reverse speak might have something to do with there belief system, kind of like hanging crosses up side down, hate is how they love; survive by dying; they are backwards folk ?

  17. xZer0nex says:

    @ramp2tramp He must not have a life.. Trolls Alex’s videos like his life depended on it.

  18. Miskatakeable says:

    I think Skelton fucking owned AJ in this video

  19. ramp2tramp says:

    haha i feel very sorry for 89mohaA!

  20. BITARTEN says:

    Thanks Alex for your the information.

  21. ranginjal says:

    Charlie Skelton did a great job here, sticking to his facts, not getting drawn in to the next few steps that follow on from where he currently is, weighing up what alex jones says…nicely done.

  22. usenetposts says:

    @89MohaA What are you saying, that there’s no Bilderberg conference going on right now, or that we can just trust them to run the world for our benefit? Who is on drugs here, us or you?

  23. usenetposts says:

    I’m proud of Charlie. I’m proud of my countryman. Faved, Thumbs upped, Brilliant.

  24. usenetposts says:

    @JGrant1984 No he did not. He is a journalist and gave us his own observations.

  25. JGrant1984 says:

    Charlie skelton, doesn’t know much. did you notice how he dodged anwsering questions and telling us any info?

  26. davidblack9071 says:

    @davidblack9071 correction what we need is more flex fuel cars on the road.

  27. thediverguy1 says:

    bp sucks every time we have had an oil spill its bp’s falt

  28. GreenHomeTV says:

    what are the risks of a wind farm? an “air spill?” that’s excellent!

  29. ObaManure says:

    Maybe Barryboy will take your advice… When he gets back from his 4 days of golf and mucking it up w/ his Chi-town thugs.

  30. Frog869 says:

    you’re face is so handsome and stubbly i blow up the picture to watch all your videos.

  31. freetubester says:

    Obama should guarantee the ownership of the fishermen’s waterfront land and their taxes. It would not be much unless you are out of work as the fishermen are.

  32. MrTabby5000 says:

    the oil corporations tell us we need oil for them to drill/

  33. annikee59 says:

    Thumbs up for Rev. Billy!!

  34. AntoGaTV says:

    Dont’ the “TOP KILL” but ” TOP WILL” because YES WE CAN SAVE MEXICO WHITH OUR BELL ! Dear Sirs, our company owns a patent concerning a disposal to stop oil spill. You can see uor Idea on Youtube at ” Antogatv ” Our suggestion is a bell truncated cone made of reinforced concrete, whith a hole designed to route the petroleum spill in a pipeline. The bell includes a series of concentric rings whose decreasing diameter is partially piled up and so on with a decreasing diameter

  35. snoopyloopy says:

    @MrSafetymeeting yea, i would have to agree there. but while a solar panel on everyone’s house makes terrific sense imo to relieve a lot of pressure from the grid (especially during the day), the power companies will balk at that model because it will greatly reduce their profits. so to that end, i don’t believe that utilities should have to pay retail rates (vs market) for power they don’t produce. but our languishing in green tech is sending the lead to other countries (e.g. china, india).

  36. socialgarbage2 says:

    We only need oil, because they say we do. Solar, wind, and hydro power would more than cover our current needs.The biggest problem, is that every spinning wheel in our country is powered by oil. Start with tractors, trains, and trucks and make them electric, build solar & wind powered charging stations and the cars will follow. We did cash for clunkers, how about oil guzzlers for electrics? With current range approaching 600 miles per charge, we have NO reason not to, other than making BP rich.

  37. MrSafetymeeting says:

    @snoopyloopy Why would we put anything in the desert?Solar panels and windwills go on your roof.People won’t be able to have a flat screen in every room but I think they can manage.Nobody’s going to be able to afford that stuff anymore anyway.

  38. snoopyloopy says:

    problem with wind is that there is actually an ecosystem in the desert. carpeting the southwest with millions square acres of giant mirrors and solar cells won’t solve the problem, especially since a lot of the oil is actually used for transportation.
    and of course, we all know that wind farms are unsightly…but also that their average power output is not necessarily as nice as the ads make them out to be (those tend to present peak as average…).

  39. downhill240 says:

    Abe Lincoln, ” “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
    U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864

  40. ToTheConquered says:

    One wealthy person is more important than every poor person combined.

    That’s why it’s more important to keep people buying oil and coal from the rich, rather than getting safe, renewable, almost free energy from the wind and sun.



    Democracy is a term usually applied to free countries, doesn’t necessarily mean they are strict Democracies.

  42. davincij15 says:

    No, I forgot to mention I support solar and wind but I’m realistic.

  43. DudeMeister44 says:

    @davincij15 ahahaha. I would laugh harder if I thought you were joking. Your argument for using oil over solar power is that producing solar panels uses up oil. Are you kidding me?

  44. DudeMeister44 says:

    I always love hearing what you say. Always so true. I wish more people were smart enough to think the same way…
    Although the self-advertisement in every single vid gets a little boring after a while, but I ain’t gonna complain because hey, you need to earn a living after all!
    I bet aliens will look down, see we have wind power and solar power but just use oil all the time and they’ll be all “hey what the heck are you doing, idiots?”

  45. sworsnup says:

    your a clown shoe republican creep!
    help the world by not posting

  46. davincij15 says:

    Your solar uses lots of oil to produce the panels.
    Wind use lots are rare earths that happen to be located in China.

  47. davidblack9071 says:

    I would like to make a distinction between a FUEL source and an ENERGY source. Wind Farms are ENERGY sources. Oil is a FUEL source. What we need Bio fuels and hydrogen cells that do not cause food shortages.

  48. woodyrimshotrealized says:

    If people only knew what was really going on in this world. Everything we think we know would be senseless.

  49. xanax76est says:

    they (dnt know who) say universe will collapse after 34 billion years … hope they (dnt know who) invent way to travel parallel universe soon 🙂

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