Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

President Obama Speaks on NYC Incident and BP Oil Spill in Louisiana

Posted on May 21, 2010 by bp complaints

After surveying the BP oil spill and federal response in the Gulf Region, the President discusses the enormous scope of the disaster and the ongoing federal commitment in Venice, Louisiana. He also speaks about the incident in Time Square, New York and the ongoing local and federal response.

The President speaks about the Administrations commitment to help protect the Gulf Coast and the livelihoods of the people who live and work there from the effects of the Deepwater BP Oil Spill and calls on the companies involved to stop pointing fingers and take responsibility. May 14, 2010.

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  1. jojojosmart says:

    blah, blah, blah

  2. TheJaychristopher5 says:

    Obama is one big fraud on America.

  3. 31u says:

    spare us the dam details just stop the fucking leak ,thats all asshole (thank you)

  4. keggs1961 says:

    Hemp for Fuel and Fiber…Put America back to work!

  5. dahoss2x says:

    WHITEHOUSE loves to censor the facts!

  6. dahoss2x says:

    Ken Salazar, Obama appointee granted an enviromental exemption to BP just 11 days prior to this spill… Coincedently, BP donated 3 million dollars to the Obama campaign. I smell a RAT, and his name is Barry!

  7. dahoss2x says:


  8. dahoss2x says:

    Newly-released documents show government regulators exempted BP from a comprehensive environmental review of the project that resulted in the spill. The Minerals Management Service granted BP a categorical exclusion from a full review before approving the project . Obama recieved 3 million dollars from BP. The media silence is mind-boggling, to say the least .

  9. dahoss2x says:

    Only COMMUNISTS censor the TRUTH!

  10. dahoss2x says:

    Newly-released documents show government regulators exempted BP from a comprehensive environmental review of the project that resulted in the spill. The Minerals Management Service granted BP a categorical exclusion from a full review before approving the project . Obama recieved 3 million dollars from BP. The media silence is mind-boggling, to say the least .

  11. ShananagansOnYou says:

    I thought niggers don’t like the water…

  12. 1musicwayne says:

    You know what dwarfed the current BP spill? The Pemex spill from 1979. Less than 10% was recovered. Much just evaporated. Some became harmless ocean sediment. Funny thing, for the most part, it just seemed to disappear. Our environment breaks it down.

    BP will pay dearly for this, but nature will fix it. Eleven lives lost is sad. Our planet has handled much more severe burps before. Relax, but expect tar balls on the beaches for a while.



  14. gabyteaparty says:

    obama you are so awesome

  15. canadian7233 says:

    too bad you gave away 700 billion to fat cats. Could prolly use that for clean up

  16. pagador182 says:


  17. dahoss2x says:

    Newly-released documents show government regulators exempted BP from a comprehensive environmental review of the project that resulted in the spill. The Minerals Management Service granted BP a categorical exclusion from a full review before approving the project . Obama recieved 3 million dollars from BP. The media silence is mind-boggling, to say the least

  18. XxskitzofrinikxX says:

    Obama is lucky if he can monitor his own activity let alone an environmental disaster that he doesnt give a damn about to begin with…..someone shut that moron up…..OHHHH and his thaughts and prayers HAAAAA his prayers consist of laying on a towel n kissing ALAS ASS……ignorant self important Narcasistic Pretentios RETARD…

  19. asifagha77 says:

    hey american people, i don’t care at all.
    I hope you feel the pane and the fear as you did to many people…
    I hope this oil slick ruin your lives as you did to us [ Iraq – Afghanistan – Palestine – Pakistan ].. hope you enjoy this event…

  20. CivilianSpaceAgency says:

    well I would say this invest in oil stock’s while you can with these two huge losses in oil we have right now you gonna be a rich man in about 2 year’s when we feel it Bp gonna help raise gas price’s to crazy prices to ” help pay for there fuck up” on our fuckin dollar WTF . Obama sending our tax payer money already to “help with the spill” why we didnt do it nor should we help pay for there fuck up’s I think the government did this shit to stir us up some because there NO action alot of liers

  21. shazycalm says:

    Whenever something horrible happens or was just about to happen, the country’s GOVT. officials say:

    It was a security Lapse. It was a security Fault.
    It was a security Lapse. It was a security Fault.
    It was a security Lapse. It was a security Fault.
    It was a security Lapse. It was a security Fault.
    It was a security Lapse. It was a security Fault.

    I’m fuckin sick of hearing such Shits. Why don’t u say it was rather a security involvement to let the action happen then Blame a religion easily?

  22. milkman52879 says:

    You people who argue that one party of corporate whores is better than the next are just this side of retarded. If your stupidity wasn’t so prevalent we would have a chance of taking this country back from the pigs that have brought us to our knees.

    The people who caused our problems are not going to be the ones who fix them. This isn’t a difficult concept to understand. Stop acting like a bunch of sheep and wake the hell up.

  23. worksa7 says:

    It would be faster if Obama didn’t say anything and just let us read that damn script there xDDD

  24. cainsrain says:

    Illuminati is running the show. Why can’t peace, knowledge, and understanding be the fore-front of our human pioneering? The facts are out their people, just waiting for you to discover them. Through peace and unity we can bring humanity to heights never imagined but dreamed. All people of this world should learn we are but one race. Through science, knowledge, peace, and understanding we can do this. Let not us be deceived but see clearly. Educate yourselves.

  25. jensen1901 says:


    No he is nothing like Bush. Not a thug (neither was Bush) and not a liar (Bush did lie a lot in his 1st term).

  26. CatFish667 says:

    @lbxd You sound like a sissy.

    The Federal Government exists to protect the people – you know like the military?

    The United States Government possessed a duty to plug the pipe ASAP – but the limp wristed gay marxists are too busy destroying America to save expend any effort saving it.

  27. dahoss2x says:

    READ POST BELOW FAST! Whitehouse will be purging it shortly.

  28. dahoss2x says:

    Obama accepts 3 million dollars from BP, then he gives them an enviromental exemption for the Gulf oil drill. Ten days later, a spill occurs and he delays for two weeks before acting on the Federal level… He spins it by pointing his E.T. like finger at BP. Hypocrisy at it worst

  29. dahoss2x says:

    Newly-released documents show government regulators exempted BP from a comprehensive environmental review of the project that resulted in the spill. The Minerals Management Service granted BP a categorical exclusion from a full review before approving the project . Obama recieved 3 million dollars from BP. The media silence is mind-boggling, to say the least.

  30. 31u says:

    wife has a big ass!know he wish she was white

  31. inserto1000 says:

    talk, talk all you want. talking is cheap, talking is not going to reverse what is done.

  32. dahoss2x says:

    Newly-released documents show government regulators exempted BP from a comprehensive environmental review of the project that resulted in the spill. The Minerals Management Service granted BP a categorical exclusion from a full review before approving the project . Obama recieved 3 million dollars from BP. The media silence is mind-boggling, to say the least.

  33. dahoss2x says:

    Newly-released documents show government regulators exempted BP from a comprehensive environmental review of the project that resulted in the spill. The Minerals Management Service granted BP a categorical exclusion from a full review before approving the project . Obama recieved 3 million dollars from BP. The media silence is mind-boggling, to say the least.

  34. bkdmd says:


    He wants cap-and-no-end-to-tax. Do you think that is a good idea?

    I don’t want any more regulation into my life. How can having $6-7 gas good?

    BHO thinks our country is bad and greedy. The funny thing is his aunt has been hear illegally living off of tax payers subsidizes in public housing and gets asylum….he wants to have gov control for social justice, but doesn’t want government to control immigration.

    Disaster, partisan, immature, inexperience, in over his head = BHO

  35. bkdmd says:


    Opinions are just opinions.

    He gave himself a B+ last year on Oprah, took Gates side in an issue he admitted he didn’t have all of the details on, took over GM, took over AIG, wants financial reforms while leaving out the two who took the most bailout money and still need bailout money (Fannie and Freddie), and shoved health care down our throats sold as bringing the cost curve down.

    Facts are facts. He is a disaster. Deficits are all time highs. You are a fool or not watching.

  36. bkdmd says:


    And we all know where dimpled chads come from.

    It is called election fraud. Picking up a stack of ballots and punching a stack at a time by democratic operatives who were on Gore’s side.

    take your head out of the sand or @ss and wake up…you fool.

  37. bkdmd says:


    If you think the people elect the president, you are again showing how foolish you are.

    What is it with you stupid obama suporters? YOu should keep quiet so people don’t know you are complete morons.

    Now for the last time, do you have any argument or defense for defending the axis of Evil- Obama, Reid, and Pelosi?

    Purge is coming 11/2/10.

    This is what we have elections for and Maobama’s agenda is rejected here.

  38. bkdmd says:


    They are only weaker in you weak pathetic mind. I have noticed you have no argument which is so TYPICAL for any Maobama supporter.

    Again with the Bush vs Gore. Let it go. Bush won get over it the Supreme Court agreed. Gore put in the judicial system.

    If Lincoln and Spector lose today, BHO will know we are coming to take him and his agenda down.

    We are going to Purge DC from the democratic socialists.

    Watch and see.

    Do you have anything substantial? I didn’t think so.

  39. permasun69 says:

    @bkdmd Honestly, I love this back and forth with you. Your arguments become weaker and nonsensical. I am o the wrong side of opinion? I have tried to be civil but how fucking stupid are you? I am backing the wrong horse? HE WON THE PRESIDENCY…and not by the electoral college like Bush in 2000. You stupid fuck face. Yes, Republicans may take back the House in 2010. But how old are you? 5yrs old. This happens to every President except Bush W, only because he had a “war” going for him.

  40. bkdmd says:


    The Ridiculous Spectacle is BHO.

    Just how the hell did his aunt get asylum?

    Sure, he had nothing to do with it.

    You are on the wrong side of public opinion on this issue. You are backing the wrong horse in the court of public opinion. This is what we have elections for and NOVEMBER IS COMING!

    I hope barry keeps smoking.

  41. bkdmd says:


    Fed has increased the adjusted monetary base 125% the past 18 months.

    The Fed is buying Euros to prop them up. The IMF gets 17.1% of their money from USA taxpayers.

    Why should we help bailout Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and Spain when we have Cali and IL that are worse off than any of them?

    We are running record deficits. You surely can’t defend that?

  42. bkdmd says:

    Who the fuck do you think you are?
    I am serious.
    You can ask and assume all you want, but you are backing the wrong horse if you back Uncle Barry and his tyrannical regime.

    Health care reform will not lower health care costs. Look at my name and figure out what my occupation is.

    Cap and no end to tax is about raising the cost of energy and food.

    This commie in the oval office is one we can’t afford.

    Deficits up 8X’s since pelosi and reid took leadership.

    You must be proud

  43. permasun69 says:

    @bkdmd: If you can name the Bill of Rights in order and actually give a coherent explanation as what they mean…I send you over a male escort to let him have is way with you as I know you’d like it….free of charge

  44. permasun69 says:

    @bkdmd HAHHAHHAH…I tasted your nutsack? (If you indeed have one, which I doubt), that’s a laugh. Did you have yourteabagging triangle founding father’s hat on while you were jerking off with one hand while you were jacking off your Glen Beck buddy who dominates you while you both watch the pathetic spectacle that is Fox News. As to our original “debate” re the US Constitution, your response (if you want to call it that was a joke). You didn’t even answer my original question.

  45. bkdmd says:







  46. permasun69 says:

    @bkdmd I respect your answer bk… I just hope you are not a Tea Bagger. If you are please have the integrity to admit so. Otherwise we can have a dialogue.

  47. DojoNDude says:

    Let’s hope the legislation he is referring to will remove the $75 million cap on damages our oil-friendly congress voted for. Democratic Senators have already introduced a bill to increase it to 5 billion, but this has been blocked by republican Senator Lisa Murkowski. Please give Miss Drill-Baby-Drill a call and thank her for putting the oil companies ahead of humanity.

  48. screenwriterOscar says:

    Britsh company accuse Americans for setting volcano ashes all over europe.
    Americans accese BP for oil spill all over gulf of mexico.

    Angry Investors will tell politicans to shut the hell up and face marketshare turmoil. They wanted to see good company not dumbass companies begging money for lying to God and setting them on Fire!!

  49. NookulerFreedom says:

    Hey Hillary…


    Do you realize that if you keep trying to run second rate OPs thru your husband you will NEVER be re-elected to anything…


    You are NOT a Monarch Hillary, time to step out of your fantasy world….

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