Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Oil Spill Disaster 2010 (part89) – Deep-sea Ice Crystals Stymie Gulf Oil Leak Fix

Posted on May 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Footage about the greatest oil disaster of all times (2010 Gulf) Watch at ur Planet like it would be ur Child! dont close ur eyes! do ur part! be nature citizan!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

BP will deploy a small containment cap in the next couple of days to try to trap oil from a blown-out undersea well in the Gulf of Mexico. . Follow us on twitter at twitter.com .
Video Rating: 4 / 5

0 to “Oil Spill Disaster 2010 (part89) – Deep-sea Ice Crystals Stymie Gulf Oil Leak Fix”

  1. wavepsychic says:

    Is this the first time this has happened?

  2. screamoc1 says:

    im so fucking sure obama had something to do with this

  3. HowlsAtFullMoons says:

    Don’t know how to keep ice from forming?

    I guess BP has never hear of heating metal. Doofi.

  4. pcreator says:

    E is for east, you also see S for south

  5. aivilik says:

    @videosouthafrica “Enron” lol

  6. videosouthafrica says:

    whats the CAPITAL “E” on your dome stand for ? you had time to paint it on the side ? … you need cameras to view this big “E” … for WHAT ???? heh ?

  7. briankofke says:

    It is incredible to see people actually crying when the real crap hasn’t even started yet. Imagine every coast from Corpus Christie to South Carolina, black with tar, cold, dark and dead ,with nothing living in it. That is where we are heading. If I were in Fla right now, I would pack my stuff and leave immediately.

  8. TheBifidus says:

    fanculo stronzi bastardi figli di una gran puttana rotti in culo ve la farei bere tutta quanta d’un sorso quella merda a voi e ai vostri figli del cazzo…..parassiti schifosi!!!!

  9. ekuwa69 says:

    couldn’t they just stick a long hose up the pipe, then pour in some kind of quick sealant.

  10. MaximusAurelius says:

    They took urrr Juuuuubbbsss!

  11. johndof92fb says:

    See my ex..
    naughtyex {dot} cz {dot} cc
    naughtyex {dot} cz {dot} cc

  12. Udugunit says:

    Look what offshore drilling has caused. Pathetic.

  13. seattleforlife says:

    BP you better get hit so fucking hard that other companies will be to scared to let a drop of oil hit the water!

  14. jWestdd says:

    Listen carefully to the narrators words ….. “US” oil spill. I hope you all understand the US was not at fault here. Seems when their is trouble, it his the problem of US and this President …. and when the profits are to be had, it all goes to BP and the big oil Croanies of Bush and Cheney. Think People!!!!

  15. pmpspot says:


  16. fuyeahu says:

    this is Obama’s fault..he wants more drilling in the coast soo stupid obama..
    tax payers will pay for this mess

  17. Grimgorus says:

    @Rugghead98 Don’t be ridiculous. Conspiracy theorists like yourself spread nothing but fear and misinformation. Stop misleading people.

  18. SarK0Y says:

    @bxccapricorn haven’t words to argue with you, your words are perfect true:-) Mr. Olabama & Guys kept nice idea to start new war for “Saint True of the Democracy”, that needs to get many oil from safe places. curiously, even now, they want to proceed it. so naive OILigophrenic children:-)

  19. Harley033 says:

    This is just shameful. I am ashamed to even be breathing the same air as these “hydro-carbons” drilling corporate CEOs, who have triggered the worst man-made disaster in history. Thanks America! Our greed has help kill many species and it isn’t even done yet! This just makes my heart heavy.

  20. ConnieLuvs says:

    Don’t you just love how “U.S. Government” is distracting us with the “American
    Federal Law on Immigration..(Arizona improvising it)”…to totally DISTRACT US
    FROM THIS HORRIFIC CRISIS ..The White House should be focused on NOTHING ELSE BUT THIS…shame on them..!!!!!!! Russia released news that North Korea had a ship in the GULF at this time..I would not rule sabotage out!

  21. Rugghead98 says:

    South Korea financed the rig; they are technically still at war w north Korea since they failed to sign the 1953 treaty: North Korea could have legally torpedoed the rig as an act of war. You’re not gonna hear about that because the US doesn’t wanna go to war w a nuke ready N Korea for messing up the coast soooo..
    It must have been an accident! Bp just leases and operates the rig. South Korea loses billions.

  22. bxccapricorn says:

    good its curse from god the way i see it for the elites for their bloody greediness and the killing of the innocent in the middle east and other nations.

  23. imflyinn says:

    Absolutely horrible. Hemp is not the alternative, it is the SOLUTION.

  24. poweal says:

    dont worry everyone,bp will make back their losses in no time,just put fuel prices up,so you can stop worrying

  25. lman4u2 says:

    i doint by from b. p no more

  26. trucking42witness says:

    Our Creator gave us Paradise and the greedy Gov’t/Corp. gave us a sea of death. Everything is going to die, and we won’t be able to eat the fish. They have poisoned our beautiful waters, killed our wild life, jobs, everything! You didn’t care, did you?

  27. o0lBobl0o says:

    make them donate all profit until the cleanup is finished then put a cap on gas prices

  28. shroomduke says:

    BPs estimate of the value of life is low!

    Nationalize ALL OIL RESOURCES the Oil Companies have proven to be irresponsible, unaccountable, wreckless, shameless, immoral even criminaly neglegent!

    OIL Companies want to put a low low price on your life as well as the environment, the air we breath, the future of humanity, truth, justice, humanity and Democracy!

    the daily spill could amount to something “short of 70,000 barrels to as high as 115,000 barrels.

  29. REYNOLD54321 says:

    Greedy Greedy Greedy… White Washed Sinners… Look at them smile…
    When will you wake up oh Human?

  30. bobb328 says:

    @JulianDaniEmilyShow I agree with you, some asshole is just trying to sound smart.

  31. SarK0Y says:

    situation goes to really shitful state.. scientific centers of the World must involve to solve problem.. however, hurricane season can stop any actions for 4-5 months.. probably longer

  32. abcasd1 says:

    and then what they gonna do about the spreading oil…they better pay the damages and solve it

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