Oil Spill Disaster 2010 (part42) – BP Oil Spill Clean-Up- What Exactly Are They Putting In The Gulf
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May 17, 2010 by
bp complaints
Footage about the greatest oil disaster of all times (2010 Gulf) Watch at ur Planet like it would be ur Child! dont close ur eyes! do ur part!
@xGURICAx amen brother
what in the freakin world can to freakin little boat things do!?!?
we learn a lot of this shit here in spain….i hope, citizens…. take notice of the huge disaster and help as we help here…..when the prestige ship broke at galicia coasts, i know its not the same…oil from a ship and oil from a station…this is going to be important, and every nation have to learn of this….best wishes from spain..take care
this dosent see and end it seems… but maybe more and more peeps will get pissed and if so we must stand for ur rights… or our planets rights… after that spill i thought we would maybe stop 1 – 2 mounths but… nut holy sh…
just read it at more than 1.5 miles deep omfg…
i must get a few hours sleep now 🙂
greetings barney
as i am writing i hear on news we ( canada ) are drilling a new well. fucking awesome 😉
I wish all these fools would drop dead! It will never change as long as we continually allow this outrageous fucking bullshit! This is your fucking land! How have we given all our fucking rights. I wish i lived in another time lol. these ppl poison my fish harm or even maybe harm my life or land wouldnt happen twice to say the least.. Id go to jail or be institutionalized if i lived like a human lmfao….
its a monty game
no more drilling obama! when the oil runs out ride a bike,walk,solar,windmill,etc.fuck the oil companies!
the sadest about all is in my eyes that their mind is only money pointing.
we need to stop this nonsense and start repairing our nature which we allready destroyed for a good part.
yea if we keep headin that way ur grandkids wont swim in the oceans anymore or maybe dont even know how a sandy beach looked like 🙁
stop oil consume!
do ur part! protect ur planet!
greetings, barney
we’re certainly making things more interesting for our future grandkids
thanks for the news, nature citizan