Deepwater Horizon Response Joint Press Conference, Part 1
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May 21, 2010 by
bp complaints

A US Coast Guard admiral and a civilian speaker address the media about the recent underwater oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, plans for a controlled burning of the spilled oil, preparations for other methods of clean-up and plans to stop the oil leak. They then answer questions from the media. Provided by US Coast Guard Atlantic Area.
Imint Enhanced Video of Deepwater Horizon fire, Images courtesy US Coast Guard.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
It would be cheep to sink a Carnival cruse ship full of cement on tip of the leak. How big can the holes be?
But that you can do with any video editing app with decent self respect…
@johanbogg The camera shakes are pretty none existing on the enhanced video, and that is damn impressive.
Great job Imint, looks really nice! 🙂
Color me unimpressed.
The nice thing about the enhanced image though is that almost all shaking is removed and replaced by a smooth motion. It looses some detail but makes it much easier to look at.
It does a pretty good job of reducing the camera shake.
Don’t see what the fuzz is all about. It just seems like they’ve cranked up the saturation and contrast a few steps… yey! -.-
This is pretty neat. Removing camera shake really helps.
The “Enhanced” video looks like crap. The sky is overexposed, and and the dark areas are underexposed. imo the detail in the “enhanced” video is lost. You can get the same effect by just using a shaders in regular codec settings on any PC/MAC.