Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

2010 Comes to an End But the BP Oil Disaster Continues – OpEdNews 0

Posted on December 28, 2010 by bp complaints

2010 Comes to an End But the BP Oil Disaster Continues
Elizabeth Cook, who is based in Louisiana and a lead organizer of the group Stop the Gulf Oil Disaster, has been working to build "a broad, determined and
Force Feeding Gulf Seafood to the Most Vulnerable?Scoop.co.nz (press release)

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Oil spill continues to haunt politicians – Mother Nature Network (blog) 0

Posted on December 19, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil spill continues to haunt politicians
Mother Nature Network (blog)
HECK OF AN IDEA: Governor Bobby Jinal and other local leaders got the president's ear during the Gulf oil spill and the result was a wasteful and
Report blasts sand berms2TheAdvocate
Gulf spill response leader denies Obama influenced decision on sand barriersThe Hill (blog)
Sand Berms Captured Little Oil, Panel FindsWall Street Journal
Bloomberg –Beaumont Enterprise –NOLA.com
all 522 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

BP Continues to Make a Comeback (NYSE:BP) – King of All Trades 0

Posted on November 23, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Post

BP Continues to Make a Comeback (NYSE:BP)
King of All Trades
By Steve Garcia – Recently the Presidential commission investigating the BP (NASDAQ:BP) Gulf oil spill has cast doubt
BP, government praised for inventive response to oil spillLos Angeles Times
Macondo partners parry payment claims from BP for oil spillOil & Gas Journal
Pressure on Kenneth Feinberg to disclose BP pay dealReuters India
FuelFix –NewsOK.com –Bloomberg
all 863 news articles »

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Moratorium continues to shut down Gulf – The Daily Advertiser 0

Posted on November 20, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Post

Moratorium continues to shut down Gulf
The Daily Advertiser
The loss of independent companies operating in the Gulf will have a detrimental impact on our economy and in no doubt will curtail future oil & gas
BP ignored warning signs in Gulf oil well blowout, suggests reportSify
Gulf spill effects largely unknown -NOAA officialReuters Africa
New report on Gulf oil spill shows BP ignored warning signsWorld Socialist Web Site
Supply Management –Wall Street Journal (blog) –USA Today
all 1,114 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP Well Capped, Gulf Oil Cleanup Continues – Voice of America 0

Posted on November 10, 2010 by bp complaints


BP Well Capped, Gulf Oil Cleanup Continues
Voice of America
The US Environmental Protection Agency says only eight percent of the oil from the BP well disaster was treated with dispersants.
Ceremonial cap honors 11 workers lost in BP oil disasterAFP
Coast Guard official: Spring the target for getting all oil from Florida The Canadian Press
News digest: BP culture questionedSt. Louis Post-Dispatch

all 103 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Biloxi continues recovery from hurricane and gulf oil spill – Examiner.com 0

Posted on October 25, 2010 by bp complaints

Biloxi continues recovery from hurricane and gulf oil spill
Biloxi Main Street continues its highly successful “Drive-in Movie” series on the Town Green on Saturday with a Halloween Movie favorite, “Bettlejuice.

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Plaquemines Parish continues mopping up from BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico – NOLA.com 0

Posted on October 20, 2010 by bp complaints


Plaquemines Parish continues mopping up from BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico
Oil hasn't flowed from BP's Macondo well in more than three months, but cleanup efforts from the massive Gulf oil spill continue in Plaquemines Parish,
Gulf Oil Spill 6 Months Later: The Most Dramatic PhotosHuffington Post
Six months after BP oil spill, Gulf tourism is on the mendUSA Today
BP Claims Process Moves Forward, But Not Without GrumblingWall Street Journal (blog)
The Washington Independent –Houston Chronicle –Washington Post
all 1,372 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Cleanup continues in aftermath of Gulf oil spill – CNN International 0

Posted on October 14, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Cleanup continues in aftermath of Gulf oil spill
CNN International
In the meantime, Zukunft said, oil spill response teams will be in place to clean up any residual oil as necessary. "What we have during this spill,
Gulf oil workers relieved but wary as drill ban endsReuters
BP Gulf Spill Cleanup ContinuesNational Underwriter Property And Casualty Insurance News
Investigators Recommend Big Safety Changes for Offshore DrillingAHN | All Headline News
eNews Park Forest –Wall Street Journal –The New American
all 2,742 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP Gulf Spill Cleanup Continues – National Underwriter Property And Casualty Insurance News 0

Posted on October 13, 2010 by bp complaints

Telegraph.co.uk (blog)

BP Gulf Spill Cleanup Continues
National Underwriter Property And Casualty Insurance News
Government officials held a news conference today saying that more than 16000 workers continue to respond to the oil spill along the Gulf Coast shores of
EU Seeks Strict EU-Wide Safety Rules For Offshore Oil DrillingWall Street Journal
States and Energy Companies Applaud Lifting of Deepwater Drilling MoratoriumVoice of America
BP mum on future plans in GulfThe Associated Press
NASDAQ –Bloomberg –Los Angeles Times
all 2,345 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Mary Landrieu Continues to Give the White House a Headache – The Atlantic 0

Posted on October 13, 2010 by bp complaints

Mary Landrieu Continues to Give the White House a Headache
The Atlantic
Ken Salazar, secretary of the Interior, today lifted the moratorium on deepwater drilling that he had issued after the Deepwater Horizon spill this summer.
White House Press Briefing by Robert Gibbs, October 12, 2010eNews Park Forest
Administration Lifts Drilling Moratorium; Landrieu Won't Lift HoldTPMMuckraker

all 16 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

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