Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

BP Gulf deja vu: Chevron-Transocean Brazil spill 10 times worse than told – Examiner.com 0

Posted on November 16, 2011 by bp complaints

BP Gulf deja vu: Chevron-Transocean Brazil spill 10 times worse than told
Monday, Chevron Corp. said drilling at the US company's Frade field last week "might" be contributing to an oil spill, more Big Energy human rights violations. "It shows an apparent oil slick originating from the drilling location and extending over

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JIT found possible operating lapses on Macondo rig, panel told – Oil & Gas Journal 0

Posted on October 19, 2011 by bp complaints

JIT found possible operating lapses on Macondo rig, panel told
Oil & Gas Journal
The joint investigation by the two federal entities responsible for offshore safety enforcement and environmental protection found that numerous system deficiencies and acts of omission by Transocean Ltd. and the Deepwater Horizon
Breaking Precedent: Oil Firms Face Liability Protection ChallengesGCaptain (press release)
Deepwater MDL Plaintiffs Denied Quick WinsLaw360 (subscription)

all 6 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Death By Reorganization — Literally — at BP, as Told in the Gulf Oil Spill … – BNET (blog) 0

Posted on February 22, 2011 by bp complaints

Death By Reorganization — Literally — at BP, as Told in the Gulf Oil Spill
BNET (blog)
A newly released 371-page technical report on the Deepwater Horizon disaster reads like a what-not-to-do list for managers everywhere. And tucked inside is a particularly startling discovery: a poorly devised and executed reorganization of a BP

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

COMMENT: Communicating with the public: how BP told the Macondo story – Oil & Gas Journal 0

Posted on December 06, 2010 by bp complaints

COMMENT: Communicating with the public: how BP told the Macondo story
Oil & Gas Journal
In advertisements and press conferences, its representatives made contrite, even bold statements: "The gulf oil spill is a tragedy that never should have
BP plc (LON:BP) Fighting OneMoneyDaily
Government Spill Estimate Could Double Penalties For BP PlcRudefox

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gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Don’t talk about oil-spill risks, minister told after Gulf disaster – Globe and Mail 0

Posted on November 01, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Don't talk about oil-spill risks, minister told after Gulf disaster
Globe and Mail
There were some things the federal government just didn't want to talk about during the Gulf of Mexico oil spill – like what if it happened here.

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gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

US agencies treated spill as catastrophe from outset, panel told – Oil & Gas Journal 0

Posted on October 04, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Times

US agencies treated spill as catastrophe from outset, panel told
Oil & Gas Journal
US departments and agencies responding to the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico treated it as a catastrophe from the beginning,
Gulf oil spill project excites studentsAlexandria Town Talk
Carcinogen Levels Skyrocket After Gulf Oil SpillThe Epoch Times
BP plc (NYSE:BP) Cleanup Costs EstimatedStock Briefings
Christian Broadcasting Network –FairWarning –domain-B
all 552 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP told to submit blowout preventer removal plan – Reuters 0

Posted on August 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters UK

BP told to submit blowout preventer removal plan
The blowout preventer is key evidence subpoenaed by federal investigators seeking the cause of the Deepwater Horizon explosion that killed 11 workers and
'Bottom kill' of BP's Gulf well now put off till after Labor DayMiamiHerald.com
Deepwater Horizon: BP to replace Macondo BOPOffshore Oil and Gas Magazine
'Bottom kill' of leaky Gulf well still weeks awayMarketWatch
Bayou Buzz –BBC News
all 316 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

I Told You So (Remix for the Pelicans) 2

Posted on July 03, 2010 by bp complaints

Click on the little corporal’s stripes icon directly to the left of “views” for lyrics and more. Watch a curious eel investigating the deep sea gusher. I Told You So If you’re so happy with your new love Baby why you calling me Are you finding out that what he said Ain’t what turned out to be Chorus: I told you so wo wo wo I told you so I hate to have to say it but I tried to let you know I told you so Tried my best to patch it up But you had someone else to do Now I see that someone else is steppin’ out on you Repeat chorus: Bridge: Told you that he’d break your heart Knew someday he’d make you blue Now it’s time the payback starts And you got lots of payments due I told you so (inst. verse) Repeat bridge I told you so I told you so I told you that boy was no good for you I hate to have to say it but I tried to let you know I told you so Live recording, Branson, Missouri, 1998 © Copyright 1997, Unpublished songs(SESAC) PO Box 120811, Nashville, TN 37212 Has “Drill, Baby, Drill” has turned into “Spill, Baby, Spill?” news.yahoo.com If anybody out there with more likes the song and wants to use it make their own video, you can download an mp3 for free from my website and take a crack at it yourself. I won’t sue you as long as it’s not for profit; It’s only a demo.. willrichardson.net Here’s the site for the oil rig that exploded, causing the spill. The specifications on the site say the maximum drill depth is 30000 ft. It was built in 2001. www.deepwater.com The Deepwater

Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we’re being told? – Natural News.com 0

Posted on May 08, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we're being told?
Natural News.com
(NaturalNews) Reports about the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill have been largely underestimated, according to
Methane sparked Gulf disasterNew York Post
2010 Oil Rig Explosion Caused by Bubble of Gas (Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico Update)CNM News Network
Oil Rig Disaster: They blew itSavannah Morning News
The Guardian
all 410 news articles »

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Gulf Oil Spill Is Much Larger than Previously Told, Threatens Louisiana 2

Posted on May 07, 2010 by bp complaints

5000 barrels a day ……….

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